bruno bucciarati - table

Start from the beginning

the last sentence was even purposely ended with a period. it was a demand, not a question.

"look, he's a nice guy. and he means no harm. b-besides... we're the same age, we're both 18 now. i think i-i'm allowed now to—"

"who. is. this. guy."

"dad, please don't hunt him down—"

"state his name. we'd like to have a talk with him amicably."

y/n groans in exasperation. she regrets confessing to her parents, and could only hope that his suitor stays alive and well. "bruno bucciarati."

another silence followed inside the house.

her mother blinked. "oh."


an unexpected howl of laughter erupted from her father that made her jolt from her place. "well, seems like there's nothing to worry about, dear."


"you could've just said so, darling!" her mother suddenly chirped like she wasn't about to throw a pair of scissors at her daughter. "i never would've thought that kind man developed an interest in our daughter. i would've planned a marriage already if i knew!"

"excuse me?" y/n blinked at her mother owlishly. "you know him?"

"dear, everyone in this town does!" her mother replied with glee. "he's so kind and helpful to everyone in here, solving and assisting us in any way he can! one day, he saw me struggling with groceries and volunteered to help me bring them all the way up here!"

"when a child broke our window, he paid for the damage made despite being just a bystander," her father added.

"who even trusts someone because of that..."

but y/n knew she wasn't complaining.

"invite him here! i will make the finest tea we have. oh, and make sure to clean up the whole house."

the college student sighed at the memory. if only they knew.

despite studying at a university that is literally beside naples, she couldn't afford to pay her boyfriend even a short visit, nor could the man do the same. majoring in aviation made her busy with training and assessing air traffic, while bruno focusing on his gang work made it dangerous for both of them to have him in a place full of students with (dying) dreams in case his enemy decides to attack out of nowhere. y/n was also aware of the existence of stands, since she also has one, albeit she never made it stand out and just wanted to live peacefully.

but they both understood each other's career paths and tight schedules. they both didn't care if the other does illegal things for a living or if the other can't make time for them. those things never mattered from the day bruno asked to be her suitor and she said yes to it.

it'll be all right, everything's going to be okay, she convinced herself. just one more month and summer vacation will be waiting for me. not only can i go home, but i can also spend the whole break with bruno.

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