Help im terrible at naming chapters

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I sit by the waterfall, the rushing waters speak such stories of its journeys to me.
I listen, I always do.
I sat beside the orange flowers and untouched clean cut green grass, not daring to sit on them and disrupt their natural growth.
The moon illuminated and shon upon all my golden jewels but I hope one day it would shine in the rays of the sun but we cannot grasp the sun yet...

I heard someone enter my presence, their loud footsteps echoing the crumbling walls of the building, I could hear they were coming from behind me.

"Lord Kars, I do hope I am not interrupting you," I heard the persons voice, it was my partner, Esidisi.

"No, not at all," I looked over my shoulder to face the muscular man.
He has such a majestic face, his sharp jawline really did struck fear into any enemy who may try to stand in the way of our cause. He has such alluring ad soft white curls, which I would love to brush my fingers into as if I were putting a small mammal. He was simply divine and majestic and very loyal.
I patted my thigh, "come, sit beside me Esidisi, if you're not busy that is."
"As you wish, Lord Kars," he bowed and began to walked over to me, being very cautious on where he was stepping as to not accidentally crush any flowers underneath his massive feet.

When he approached closed he stopped in his tracks and glanced down at me, his face growing flustered and bashful, "ah, Lord Kars..."
"What seems to be bothering you, Esidisi?" I raised an eyebrow, concerned.
"Nothing, Lord Kars, you are...just not wearing your usual outfit...or any outfit at all," Esidisi gulped, his face slowly glowing into a pinkish shade.
"I do hope that's not a bother to you, my dear Esidisi. I just do not see any proper use for clothing besides to hide the genitalia and to keep warm, but I'm warm here and I have nothing to hide," I leaned back and embraced the warmth of the fall breeze, my purple hair flowing with the wind.

"No, of course it's not a bother, Lord Kars,"Esidisi bowed his head and sat beside me with his legs crossed, beginning to peacefully watch as the waterfall delicately flowed into a large pond in front of us.
The soft sounds of excess water droplets landing on the dirt and concrete pavement below filled the room with a blissful grace, the flow of water filling in the melody.

The room we sat in was an old collapse building that was once held up by strong concrete pillars many years ago, now a ruin with overgrown flowers and wildlife taking back their rightful place in the world.

"Quite beautiful, is it not?" I asked the man beside me. "It's truly a wonder," he responded.
I faced him and gave him a simple grin, "as wonderful as you, my darling Esidisi."

"You're too sweet, my lord," he let out a soft chuckle as he looked into my eyes for a moment.
We than returned to a calm silence, continuing to watch the water flow and the flowers waltz along in the cool breeze.
"Have you named the children yet?" I asked Esidisi as I started to watch the orange flower, watching as they glistened with the glow of the water.

"I have named one already; the blonde one, I've given him the name Wamuu, I believe he will be a great warrior for our cause," Esidisi responded.
"And the youngest?" I turned to him.

"I have not given him one yet, though, I do not understand why we would need to give him a name considering he shall be nothing but our guard dog," he sighed.
"Hm," I thought, cupping my chin, "perhaps we should abandon that one, he is rather weak compared to us... but he is strong enough and will guard for us back in Mexico in case someone tried to stop us."

Your Beauty Never Really Scared Me[ Kars X Esidisi ]Where stories live. Discover now