Part 39 : She Is My Hero

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Y/N pov

MK decided to take Alex for the day because Lizzie wanted to show me what it is like on set. I remember hearing about her adventures on set whenever she used to visit her sisters when they worked but she wanted me to see it for myself. I was dressed in a Wolverine comic t shirt and jeans since they are my favourite movies. Have  been since I watched the first X-men when I was in school. I remember it was my dad who took me to watch it. I was sat beside Lizzie in the car on the way there. Neither of us mentioned my nightmare again. I know she wants me to talk about it but I just don't want to. Not yet anyway. I know I will talk to Dr Aiken about it when I get home. 

"Are you ready for today?" She asked me as she wore a simple tee and jeans. 

"I'm ready." I told her as she held my hand as we both left the hotel. The car ride to set was quiet as I was taking in the sights that passed us by. I loved being here. It was different. But I have only been to one place in the last five years really so. I guess I need to explore more. Alex has probably been to more places than me now. 

"You will have to sign an NDA because the directors don't want anything about the project getting out to the public just yet." She told me softly as she handed me a pen and told me where I needed to sign which I happily did it for her. Once it was completed, she led me over to the trailers and shown me hers which is beside Scarlett's and Cobie's. I followed her to the make up trailer and watched as they done their magic on her already beautiful face before she got into her costume for the day. They were filming her scenes with some guy called Aaron today and Scarlett came and stood beside me as we watched the scene unfold before us. 

"I'm sorry about last night." Scarlett spoke as I turned to face her, she wore an apologetic expression on her face so I just gave her a smile and a nod. 

"I understand you're just trying to protect her since she's new to these huge projects." I told her as she nodded at me. "I would never hurt her you know. Before I went away, we were pretty serious and I still am. I have only just started to get back to my old self and I am starting to let her in again." 

"She is an amazing girl isn't she." She stated as I smiled as I watched Lizzie laugh as one of them screwed up the scene. 

"She is more than that. She is an angel in disguise." I smiled as I spoke about her as we walked towards the snack table. "She stayed beside me when my own mother and brother wouldn't. They already have a grave for me. They grieved me and want nothing to do with me." I told her honestly. 

"Why?" She asked me confused as I put the top back on the water I had just drank. 

"Because of these." I pointed to scars on my face. "I am not the same girl I was before I left. I went through something unimaginable for four years and I kept my strength because of that woman over there. She raised our daughter for four years alone as she finished college and started to work. She did all of that alone with some help off of her family. So if anyone is the hero. It's her. She is my hero." She smiled at my words as we admired Lizzie's acting. She truly was phenomenal. When she finished she walked over to where Scarlett and I stood with a shy smile. 

"Are you ok?" She asked me softly as she searched my eyes. 

"I am perfect mon coeur." I replied with a bright smile which she returned. 

"What does that mean?" Scarlett asked from beside us. 

"My heart." I told her as she just smiled between Lizzie and I.

"She has called me that since we were 10 years old." Lizzie beamed making me look away shyly as Scarlett cooed at the pair of us. 

"You both truly are the definition of soulmates." She beamed at the pair of us. She was a wonderful person to be around. Hell the whole cast are. It reminds me of the little family we had when I was in the Marines. The one that I am leaving. I just have to notify Captain Ross when we return to LA. 

"She is the love of my life and I am sorry I didn't realise it sooner." I confessed as I kept my eyes on Lizzie. She gave me a shy smile before she was called away to do another scene with Scarlett so I just stayed here and watched. It wasn't until there was a huge bang and then it seemed like I was back there for a moment. In that cell as they shot at either John or myself. I closed my eyes trying to shut everything out as I stumbled backwards into the wall. 

Lizzie's pov

When one of the camera cranes collapsed, it sounded a loud bang. I immediately searched for Y/N and my eyes found her as she stumbled backwards. I watched as she sank to the ground. I knew then that she was having a panic attack. I ignored the directors orders and ran straight to my grease monkey. I knelt in front of her as I heard her mumble. 

"It's not real. It's not real. It's not real." As she rocked back and forth with her hands over her ears. I heard Scarlett order everyone to leave the set as much to the directors dismay.

"Y/N?" I spoke softly. She continued to mumble as she rocked so I tried to speak a little louder. "Y/N." I spoke loud and clear. "It's me. Lizzie. You're safe with me." I continued as I tried to reach her. I watched as she slowly moved her hands away from her ears and her teary eyes found my own. "You are here with me and Alex." 

"Mon âme?" She whispered as I nodded with a smile at the nickname she has for Alex. 

"Yes mon âme." I confirmed as she started to calm down. I watched as she searched her surroundings.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered as her lip trembled. "I thought I was back there. I don't want to be back there." She cried as I pulled her into me. 

"You're never going back there Y/N. You never have to go back there." I reassured her as she clutched onto my shirt tightly. I just stayed here forever how long she needed me for. 


Hey guys. A nice fluffy one for you guys. Also I have posted a couple chapters of my new Jane Banner fic I Will Fight and if you haven't already seen my Therese Raquin fic The Beauty Of Green.

Please let me know what you guys think

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