"Woah, who were your brothers?" Mongolia rubbed his chin and decided to tell him his whole roots. "Let me start you off from the beginning, so pay close attention, Russia." And he did, he rested his chin on his hands, thrilled to hear what he considers a bedtime story. Mongolia cleared his throat before beginning his tale.

"So. My father's name was Mongol Empire, and he was the great ruler of the Kingdom of Azi, but of course, people don't just become rulers of anything, they had to work for it. My father started small, he had only his mother to look up to, for his dad, the chief of Khamag Mongol, was poisoned by his enemies, the Tatars. Luckily for him, he was barely able to stay alive for three days, just in time to return home and pass away, but on the downside, my dad couldn't reach him in time to exchange last words. From that day, my father was devastated by his father's death and they were isolated by the tribe the Khamag Mongol chief led. With his intelligence and leadership skills, he united all the tribes and ethics into one glorious empire. Lots of people feared him, and especially dragons."

"Wow, your father sounds terrifying!" Mongolia chuckled, "Despite his aggressive personality, he has a soft spot for families and friends. My dad had 4 sons, the firstborn was Chagatai Khanate, the second was Golden Horde, the third was Ilkhanate, and the youngest was Yuan." 

"Hmm? What about you?" Russia asked with his head tilted. "Haha. Would you believe me if I told you my name was previously Yuan?" He gasped in surprise, "No way! Why did you change it though?"

"I didn't change it by choice, once Qing became ruler, my name was changed to Outer Mongolia. That guy may be a jerk, but he does have a talent for coming up with names. Some people prefer to call me Mongolia, without the outer part."

"I'd like to learn more about your siblings, what were they like?" Mongolia hummed, "Oh... from whom should I begin? I'll start with their birth order. Chagatai Khanate... we never did get along, he always seemed to be so strict and hard on me, I never understood why, but as years passed Chagatai Khanate became more vicious towards me, he tried to assassinate me two times, but I managed to overwhelm him. He died at the age of 115."

"Golden Horde, now that guy was something special, he had dad's big brain, yet not quite enough. He always knew what to do, what to say, I admired him... but... He went away to start his own empire, I lost touch with him, but hey, at least he lived long, he died when he was 262 years old."

"As for Ilkhanate, we had a special bond between us, he always had my back, and he helped me against Chagatai's first attack, I don't know where I'd be without him. Chagatai and Ilkhanate had this sibling rivalry between them, their tension was getting high, it was a good thing I stepped between them before the situation could escalate further. Ilkhanate died at the age of 79."

"My father on the other hand passed away after 206 years. His body wasn't fit to run battles and lead armies anymore, that's why he divided his empire among three of my brothers and myself... At least... he lived a long life. May he rest peacefully now."

Mongolia wiped the small tear in his eye, Russia had a baffled look on his face, "Wow... so you're the only one remaining?" Mongolia sighed, "If you don't count Qing, then yeah, I suppose so."

"How old are you again?" He asked out of curiosity. "I don't know... I lost count after 6 centuries, let me think... So this year is 1911, and that makes me about... 640 years old!" 

"Ух ты! Вы старый!" Mongolia gasped in offense, "Hey!" Russia laughed at his reaction. "Seriously, how do you celebrate that much birthday?" Mongolia tsk-ed and turned away, "Birthdays aren't that special anymore, and besides, I have no one to celebrate it with."

"Aww. Well, maybe when it's your birthday again, we can celebrate it together," he grinned at him, "That is a special thought, I look forward to it, goodnight Russia."

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