Chapter Two

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After a thorough chewing out from Annabeth I finally got a hug.
"Where have you been? When did you get back? What the hell happened that made you come back?" She stopped. "Oh. Sorry about that one."
I smiled. "It's fine Annie. You know I never wanted to leave in the first place. I just came home." I didn't feel like getting into this with Annie right now. We would have a talk later.
She seemed to understand. "You have to meet everyone. Remember Percy? He's dating Calypso now. They are sooooo cute together."
"What about you? Find that special girl yet?" I tease, poking her in the arm. Instead of poking me back like I expected, she frowned.
"Will you cant tease about that stuff here." She looked really upset.
"Why? What's wrong with it?" I asked confused. Dad had always been against homosexuals, but where I came from, everyone was really supportive of it. Was New York not?
Annie seemed to sense what I was thinking. "New York is fine with it, but most of the people at school here aren't. I mean, there's a group of us who all hang out who are fine with it, but there's also a really big part of the population that's not. It's just best to not talk about it." She shock her head and smiled again.
"But look at you! You've changed so much!" She looked me up and down. I glanced at my black skinny jeans and the brackets on my arms.
"Yeah. Kinda. But you didn't change much." I look at her. She still wears cardigans and jeans everywhere.
"Nothing changes in this town. You of all people should know that." She looked a little sad at this.
We walked around in silence for a bit.
"Do I get to meet everyone?" I finally asked. Annie got really happy at this and grabbed my arm.
"Oooooo! Just wait until they all get to meet you! Leo will be so disappointed that I didn't get detention, but screw him." She smiled and pulled me around people in the halls.
"Do you?" I asked, earning a death stare.
"He wishes." she muttered and I smiled. She was still the girl I left behind.

It didn't take long for me to spot the group. There was Percy, who I remembered. I mean, who wouldn't remember those sea green eyes and that wild black hair. Damn. Too bad Calypso with her beautiful bleach blonde hair and blue eyes was hanging off him.
Then there was the 6' 3" guy standing off to the side. With the black hair and the oriental looking....Wait was that Frank? And the small girl with the curly brown hair off to the side was Hazel? And they were holding hands???????? Finally! They had crushes on each other when I left, but I bet it's a new thing. Sillies.
There were three other people standing around.One was a girl with choppy brown hair and kaleidoscope eyes of ever color. She was smiling at Annie. Oh. Okay. I see.
There was also a blonde boy with a small scar on his upper lip and the brightest blue eyes I'd seen since my sister's.
The last boy looked like a latino christmas elf. He had brown curly hair and was wearing a tool belt in bright yellow. He was short and looked ridiculous standing next to the blonde.
"Hello there! You may start groveling now. I am Leo Valdez, also known as the Super Sized Micshizzle, Bad Boy Supreme."
"Repair Boy," the brown haired girl added.
Leo sniffed and crossed his arms. "Bad Boy Supreme sounds better." The girl shock her head.
"I'm Piper and this," she jabbed her thumb at the blonde with the scar, "is Jason." Jason smiled and shook my hand.
"Hi. It's nice to meet you. Annabeth and the others have told us lots about you." He grinned wider and looked at Annie.
"Jason!" She scolded. "No I didn't. They don't know anything about you. Well, Piper, Leo, and Jason don't. Oh, and Nico.
"Who?" I asked, looking around.
"That would be me." A soft Italian accent declared. I turned around to find a short, dark haired boy who looked about 15, but his black cloths and solemn made him seem older. Dark brown eyes stared up at him from behind glasses.
I swallowed. He was beautiful. But I remembered what Annie had said and tried to stay calm. "Oh, hi. I'm, ah, Will."

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