50. Cops and Robbers 🚔🎃

Start from the beginning

"Come and arrest me I've been bad." Said Theo.
"If that's what all cops look like I would fucking murder anyone. Said Mattheo.
Draco just stared at me with his mouth hanging open.

I wore a one piece outfit with a pretty short bottom. The top part of the one piece had a zipper open revealing my cleavage and the arms had baggier sleeves.
I also wore black nets on my thighs and a belt.
Attached to my belt were 3 pairs of handcuffs, one for each person and a stick sort of thing.
Lastly I wore black leather gloves with my fingers sticking out.

I walked over to them and did a little spin.
Someone slapped my ass.

"Alright which one of you was that?" I said holding a pair of handcuffs.

"Guess you'll never know." Said Draco.

(Theos Pov)
Sierra looked hot as fuck in her outfit. Her thighs looked amazing in those nets and the tight outfit fit her body perfectly.

It was me who slapped her ass, I couldn't help myself and I knew she wouldn't mind.

(Draco's Pov)
I grabbed her waist and brought her towards me just so I could take a proper look.

It made my mouth water when she wore tight outfit's like this. I've said it before and I'm saying it again. She had the perfect figure. From head to toe she was stunning. Even her legs looked fucking hot and how the fuck could legs attract me.

(Mattheos Pov)
I grabbed her from Draco and spun her around so I could see the back of her.

"Hell ya." I said smacking her ass.
She let out a small moan and I swear I was ready to lose control.

The material she wore was so thin and tightly pressed against her I just wanted to bite.

"Let me take a little bite." I said.
"Beg me." Said Sierra.

"Damn I let you be a top once and you think your all powerful now don't you." Said Draco.

"Hey I convinced you guys to be my prisoners I feel like I've gained some power." Said Sierra.

"Fair enough." Said Draco.

"Go for it Mattheo, bite."
Those words made me feel some type of way.

I put my hands around her waist and twisted my head giving her ass a little bite.

She let out a little yelp and I smacked it again.

"Okay let's save this for later." Said Draco standing up.
"Oh come on Draco there's plenty to go around." Said Sierra.

He rolled his eyes.

"Go on, you can do a little something too." She said shoving her ass towards him.

Draco pushed her away.
"Oh?" She said.
"Fine I'll remember this." She said.

"Do I get this opportunity too or is it only for your baby daddy's?" Said Theo.

"Ok first of all I didn't keep the baby, second of all they can't both be the father and thirdly,
of course you get the chance." Said Sierra walking over towards him.

He used both hands and gave her a little squeeze.

(Sierras Pov)
Hate to be that person but I loved all this attention. I soaked it up like a sponge.

And don't get me wrong they looked super hot too. They wore sleeveless orange jumpsuits but unbuttoned so their abs showed.
Their dark marks were also showing so I had to use my concealer to cover it.

"Alright guys let me cover your marks." I said.

Theo came over first and I quickly concealed it.
Theos arms were muscular and I couldn't take my eyes off of it.
"Ya you like that?" He said flexing.
"Oh shut it." I said hitting his arm.

"Ok come Draco your next."
Draco walked over and I made sure to go over his arm gently.
"Ouch." Said Draco.

Any bit of pressure hurts his dark mark but only his, and we don't know why.

Draco wasn't very muscular like Theo and Mattheo but he had lots of veins which was just as good.

"Alright Mattheo your last."
Mattheo also had muscles but not as big as Theos. But what Mattheo had was broader shoulders. Not too broad but the perfect amount. I love when he wraps his arms around me it makes me feel quite secure.

"Mattheo I wanna try something on your face if you let me."
"Hmm sounds interesting, go for it."

I got out my makeup brush and fake blood that I bought at Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. It's an amazing shop by the way.

"Okay guys how does it look."
"Damn Mattheo it looks like you ate someone out on their period." Said Theo.
Draco gagged at that.

"What!" Says Mattheo running to the washroom.
"I'm just kidding you look hot." Said Theo.

"Holy shit Sierra I look sick." He said smiling.
"Don't touch your face though it might come off." I said.

"Anyone else want some?" I said.
"No, no blood for me." Said Draco.
"Nah I think Mattheo pulls it off the best." Said Theo.

"Okay we're all ready let's go."

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