A woman is eaten by an alien as I hear a scream, bones crunching, and belching.

"Say, Dr. MindStrong, weren't you in love with that one?"

"I...was, Captain."

"Well, it looks like you both learned a lesson today."

"Hey, guys. Guess what April and I have been up to," Donnie walks in from his lab wit a smile "Analyzing sewage," Donnie answers happily.

"Who says you don't know how to show a girl a good time?" Raph asks sarcastically.

Emma picks up her crayons and paper as Raph picks her up carrying her on his hip while they all walked to the lab

"April and I were going through some files on the Kraang storage device,"

"Ooh," Mikey replies.

April shakes her head. "We found out the Kraang are using a special process to change Earth's water into Kraang water. They've already started the process. We found a low concentration of Kraang chemicals in the sewage," April explains.

"Huh?" Emma tilts her head confused.

"It turns regular water into to icky water that could hurt your tummy if you drink it." Donnie wiggles his fingers scrunching up his nose, lightly poking Emma's stomach. Emma frowns sticking her tongue out "Ew!"

  "And I take it that's a bad thing," Leo replies.

Donnie holds up a slice of pizza. "Watch what happens when I dip this slice of Mikey's shrimp and sardine pizza into pure Kraang water," Donnie tells us. He slowly puts the slice into the container of water. The slice dissolves.

Mikey screams quickly covering Emma's eye so she won't see the it. "How do you sleep at night? And I'm front of a child!" Mikey asks Donnie angrily.

"Presently, there's only a tiny bit in the water supply, but the concentration is increasing, which means-"

Mikey screams again. "Every slice of pizza in New York will be destroyed?" Mikey asks frantically.

April raises an eyebrow at him. "Along with anyone who uses water, which is practically every human being,"

"I don't want to live in a world without pizza," Mikey replies before he accidentally knocks over the cup of Kraang water.

It spills on April's arm. The others scream in horror. But nothing happens.

"Nothing happened to you," Donnie replies, shocked.

"Maybe it's cause she's  not made of pizza," Mikey answers.

A scanner beeps from Donnie's computer. "The scanners located the Kraang facility transforming the water supply, which is right here. We gotta stop it!" Donnie explains, pointing to something.  The turtles and April look at his computer and see he was pointing to the ocean.

"You coming April?" Leo looks over at the red head.

"Sounds like a blast, but unfortunately it's on the bottom of the east river. And equally unfortunately, I have an essay due." April grabs her backpack swinging it over her shoulder while shrugging her shoulders. Leo goes over to April whispering to her gesturing an eye over towards Emma who was laying on the ground going back to drawing "Hey April if it's not too much trouble are you able to take Emma with you, she's been cooped up in the lair since the Kraang Incident and she made need some fresh air."

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