"Did you even hear me dumbass?!? I said Gotham Harbor! If I'm late you're gonna regret it." Selina said in a voice that could've driven a knife in his back just by hearing it from behind.

"You must have a low voice, that's a good thing, for some... Thought you said Gotham Barbers." Jason uttering the words grinning once more.

"That better not be sarcasm." Selina hoping to put his face through the glass if he stepped forward.

He drove almost all the way back in a moderate speed, somewhat as he picked up speed later down the line. This soothed her ear, but only to a fraction of a way. His excuse was the cops would've dropped by sooner or later from the path he had taken. Explaining that they'd still be on time considering his speed.

"I know a good joke to make you feel better... Anyhow I knew this guy once. He was always getting into fights. Real fighter, no gloves sparring guy, teeth stomper guy. He was captured and was like held for some time." Jason throwing his hand up.

What's this retard going with this now, Selina thought.

"Anyway he was being held hostage. They kidnapped him off the streets like some sort of president's daughter kinda shit. SO he's tied up. Beaten. Told his only way home was gone. The guy didn't give a shit. The captor kept asking for a name. Now listen here he wasn't no snitch. For one year of torture, chains, bats, crowbars the captor said 'I just give up... Gimme a name... Now.' He opens his mouth and right as he's about to say it POP! His fucking chest has bullet in it. Motherfucker goes 'Never could stand a tattle tail.' Another snitch off the Gotham streets." Jason says.

Selina giggled despite not wanting to share a happy moment, but it was. She had to give him credit.

"Yeah you find that shit funny?" Jason asks nodding his head smiling.

"Yes, it was good, it was actually funny I didn't expect that." Selina voiced the words while showing her white teeth.

"Yeah well I didn't expect it either..." Jason pointing his gun at her, and pulling the hammer.

"What the fuck?" Selina at awe of a gun in her face.

"I find it lovable how some people could laugh at the worst of things in life. I'm the one laughing this time. Soon. When you're gone. I gave you a test and you failed. You failed all of em." Jason's voice box straining as he growled the words out with such a malice that his asmr like appearance no longer contributed itself to the situation.

Selina's eyes no longer contained seriousness. Instead she was now in a world where her eyes conveyed bad blood in devilment. But instead she grinned, almost too friendly, a curious kind of look. One that asked for more of this darkness from him.

"Where'd the loser with a friendly attitude go. It's ok I like this more. You usually go around waving that gun at people?" Selina asked.

"Only for those who stand in the way of pursuit of happiness. I have this letter I need. One from a charitable man." Jason's words almost as low as whisper.

"A letter? Seriously have no clue. I see the surroundings match us now." Selina said as she noticed the alley had welcomed them.

"Don't you fucking lie to me. I'll blast your fucking brains across this alley. You'll be mopped up by people who're of higher class when they knew you didn't have any, regarding to thieves honor. So give me the note or I swear to God a bullet will be in your shoulder." Jason threatening her with no blinking throughout the entire thing.

Suddenly a gap was being filled.

"I honestly have no clue what you're talking about." Selina said.

"The people I've killed to get this car were more honest than you. Drop the act and gimme an address. I need that letter. You need to live. We both got goals in life, don't make em in a hospital." Jason said.

"A letter? You killed people for a letter?" Selina questioned frowning with a grin.

"It sounds to me I'll torture someone for it. And yeah, I used to kill people for a living. Criminals like you. It allows me to be so relieved of stress. I'm no fucking hero so in the next five seconds I'll shoot." Jason said.

She realized in this moment that Jason was a serial killer, of criminals, especially for a letter. This filled the gap in her heart tremendously. It was like a twisted version of Batman's life and hers. If only he had time for her.

"Ok relax. I haven't known anything being stolen from my side of things. But I do know a car like this was purged off some bum. Or in this case some horrible man with a bad temper killing people over a letter. I could do some undercover work if you'd like." Selina said looking at the gun, just in a bit, his eyes blinked and the gun was now in her possession.

Her hand carrying the gun and now his hand gripping another one, they both stared off into each others eyes.

"So how do you want this fairytale to end?" Selina wanting to test if he was fearless.

 Jason gulped, it been a long while since pre-retirment. He still felt fear, but he washed it away after the swallow and a lowered brow, and dipped his head lower which highlighted the frown.

"If what you say is true then I think we're good." Jason said.

"HA! You think you could wave a gun at me and we'd be settled? You're some Batman." Selina fired back with a pompous attitude.

"You're from the Narrows such things are customary in greetings. Do I look like Batman to you?" Jason interrogating her with a fake grin then deeper frown. A twitch of the lip.

"Ok... So who're you supposed to be, a bum who hot wires cars and kills people." Selina asked noticing the car parts ruined.

"My name is Red Hood." Jason said tilting the gun on its side.

"Ok so count to 5, we put our guns down." Selina said.

"Be my guest." He said.

Jason couldn't count on his palms the amount of times he killed gang members by waiting in their cars and opening fire on them when they rushed to get in. But this was different. He saw goosebumps form on her arm. She had heard horror street stories about a mad man going around plucking the life of criminals. Brutalizing others with torture methods. She had thought of them to be just that, stories, but this was like meeting an urban legend seeing the monster was real. This could seriously traumatize her if she were normal, but if things kept going, and if he crossed a few more lines, she would be.

She hadn't felt this way in a while. A long while. It did horrify her, but it was morbid curiosity. She could use a new Batman. And more importantly a new guard.

"1." she started off first.

"2." He joined in the count.





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