Chapter 15- 'Worst Aegyo'

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The next day:

The alarm rings and Nari wakes up. She looks at Taeho and sees that he is still sleeping. She thinks that he will wake up after sometime. After she freshens up, she goes and sees that he is still sleeping. She wakes him. He wakes up and looks at Nari.

"You woke up?"

"It's time to wake up. Otherwise we will be late."

Taeho wakes up and goes into the washroom. While brushing his teeth, he thinks, "She looks so beautiful even in the morning. I wish I could tell her my feelings" and sighs.

Until Taeho freshens up, Nari gets dressed and cooks breakfast. When Taeho comes out, Nari tells him,"Go get dressed quickly and come. I made breakfast."

Taeho says,"You made breakfast?"

"I can atleast make breakfast. Quick."
Nari pushes Taeho into his room and closes the door. Taeho dresses up and comes. He then asks happily,"What's for breakfast?"

But to his disappointment, he sees a slice of bread with jam applied.
"Is this our breakfast?"

Nari says happily,"Yes."

As there is no other choice, Taeho eats the bread. Before leaving he takes a bowl of water and cat food from his store room. Nari asks,"Why do you have cat food in your home? You don't even have a cat."

"It's for the cat you were petting the other day. I give the cat food and water from time to time."


"I even gave it a name. His name is Yaong."Taeho says while closing his house door.

"That is a unique name." Nari says sarcastically.

As they come out of the door, the cat comes running and curls his tail around Taeho's legs. Taeho pets the cat and keeps the food and water he brought. The cat then quickly goes and eats food. Taeho says while petting him,"You were so hungry my little Yaong right?"

Nari says,"That is one of the worst aegyo I have ever seen" and laughs.

Taeho looks at Nari and says angrily,"Whatever". Then he looks at the cat, smiles and says,"Bye my cute Yaong". He stands up and walks out leaving Nari behind.

Nari says,"Don't be petty. I was joking. Wait for me." She runs to catch up with Taeho and stops him. Then she says,"I was joking. It was cute. Very cute."

Taeho's angry expression turns into a shy expression. Nari says,"Let's go. We have an important day ahead of us today."

Taeho says firmly,"Let's go. We are getting late." He catches Nari's hand and runs.

When they reach the university they see Taeri and Minjae near the gates.

Taeri says,"How are you two coming together?"

Nari says,"We live in the same neighborhood. We met each other on the way to university" as the four of them walks through the gates.

Taeho then asks,"What about you?"

Minjae says,"We met on the way here."

Taeho says suspiciously,"Okay" then continues "You guys go to class. I have something to do something in the teacher's room. I will go there and then head to class."

Minjae says,"I will come with you."

Nari and Taeri head to class while Minjae and Taeho head to the teacher's room. As they walk to the teacher's room, Taeho asks Minjae, "You like Taeri right?"

"How did you know?"

"We have known each other since we were practically babies. I know when you fall in love. And you probably did not meet on the way right?"

Minjae says,"Yeah. I waited for her near the gate."

Taeho says,"I knew it."

"What about you? You like Nari?"

"Very much." Taeho says and sighs.

"Why the sighing? Does she not like you? Is this your first unrequited love?"

"She is not interested in dating. So I can't confess."

"Even though you should confess. Maybe she might look at you in a different light. Nobody knows what happens in life. You should do everything in your life to leave no regrets."

"Okay. I will think about it. I will be back" as he enters the teacher's room.

Taeho goes near Mr.Lee's table and says, "Mr.Lee I wan't to talk to you. Are you free now?"

Mr.Lee says,"Go on."

Nari says,"So, do you like Minjae?"

Taeri says,"What made you think that?"

Nari says,"I am quick to notice things. I am pretty smart you know. Does he like you?"

"Yeah. He is pretty cool. The other day he took me to a Tteokbokki place. He even showed me around the place. He seems interested. What about you and Taeho?"

"I am currently not interested in dating anyone."

"Why? Is he that bad?"

"No. No he is not bad. Actually he is pretty cool. He is sweet and really caring. He even cooks good food. It's just I don't have time and interest for dating."

"Seems like you like him but you are pushing him away. And how do you know he cooks good food?"

"Umm... you see I had been to his house once and he cooked for me."

"Are kidding me? He cooked for you?! That means he really likes you. Guys don't cook for just anyone."

"I don't know about that."

After classes:

Taeho and Nari walk back to home together.
Taeho says,"I gave the keys back."

Nari says,"Did he suspect you?"

"Why would he suspect me?"

"It's because you returned the keys all of a sudden. Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure. He wouldn't suspect me."

"Fine." After a pause Nari says,"I almost forgot. I am going to Seoul tomorrow morning. There is some kind of emergency so my director called me early."

"This quick? When will you be coming back?"

"Probably when my dad comes back or a few days before."

When they reach home, Nari receives a call. She says, "I have to take this call. Go ahead and freshen up."

Taeho goes and Nari picks up the call.

"You forgot me since you moved there right?"

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