Chap 1: Childhood.

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A beautiful Sunday morning, i clumsily fall off my bed and hurriedly put on my sandals to run downstairs without noticing the fact that my shirt was backwards, probably was because the entire week was spent studying and even though it was only seven days, for me it felt like ages.

"Good morning!" I said loudly, almost shouting across the big living room which is as large as meeting room. Greeting me with a beautiful sandwich, omelettes with tomatoes decorated around the edge of the plate is my butler Kyle. A friendly, tall man with a beautiful mustache, like always Kyle would greet me with a smile that never fails to make my day better.

"Good morning, young master. I made your favourite breakfast, would you like to sit down and eat first or would you like to have a shower?" Kyle asked, carefully placing the plate down and stood by it, seemingly he already knew what i chose.

I had no time to waste that morning or it would past by in a blink of an eye. I sat down, the smell of sandwich and omelettes is so mouth watering to the point i wonder how did Kyle manage to not steal at least a bite out of it. Like the eager kid i am, i tried to grab the sandwich which was too hot for a bare hand to touch, Kyle stopped me as he placed down forks and knives.

"Young master, please eat with these tools otherwise your little hand might get a burn." Kyle said, i grumpily sigh remembering how dad said that i needed to act like a gentleman. As if Kyle could've read my mind, he reminded me of my father's guide to becoming a "true gentleman".

"Young master, do you remember when your Mr. Blakeslee taught you that you shouldn't eat with your hand? Mr. Blakeslee ordered me to remind you to eat with your tools." Just like my dad.. honestly, sometimes i consider Kyle my second dad. Both because we are very close, almost like we both belong in the same family and because i don't see dad oftenly.

"Fine.." I sighed, picking up the knife and cutting little pieces of the sandwich, carefully stabbing it with the fork and placing it in my mouth. I chewed with my mouth open for a few seconds before remembering about my dad's teachings of how to be a gentleman, and so i closed my mouth and chewed quietly.

"Now you look much more like a gentleman, young master!" Kyle chuckled, i glared at him asking myself if i should act like Kyle in order to be a gentleman? Even his chuckle sound oddly polite.

"Will dad or mom be home today?" I asked Kyle with hopeful eyes, it sure has been a while since i ate something mom cooked, not that i dont like my family butler's cooking but it would be nice for a kid around that age to eat a breakfast made by his own mother instead of the house servant. I scratched my head, not sure when was the last time mom cooked for me.

"I'm afraid not, young master. You see, Mr and Mrs Blakeslee are on a business trip very far away, therefore they cannot come home just yet. But i will make sure to inform you when they are coming back as soon as i know." Kyle said, his warm voice comforted me somewhat knowing that i won't be able to see my parents for another while. I sit there eating my sandwich while thinking that one time dad and i played catch.

"Aww.." I let out a long disappointed sigh. 

"It will be okay, young master. It is Sunday after all which means you can go outside and play with your friends." Kyle said, his words once again lit up my hopes for a Sunday full of fun. 

"You're right, Kyle! Can i go outside now?" I said excitedly, almost bouncing off my seat. 

"Yes you can, young master. Please be careful out there." Kyle opened the door as i darted outside, running across the neighborhood looking for my friends. 

"James! Over here!" I stopped running just as soon as i heard a familiar voice calling for me from inside the small football yard. It was my friend Dan and the other kids who were very close to me, despite the differences between wealth we all treated eachother equally. 

"Now, since we're all here. Let's play football!" The eldest one in the group, Tobias said. 

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered, but as soon as we were about to start the game. We were interrupted by the presence of the other group of kids on the other side of the neighborhood. 

"HEY!" The kid in the middle, Lucas shouted at us, standing next to him were his friends. Just about the same number as us. 

"We want to play football today, so go somewhere else!" Lucas ordered. 

"And.. what if we don't want to?" Tom, our leader replied with an uninterested attitude. Lucas grits his teeth, throwing his soccer ball onto the floor and laughed. 

"Well then let's play a game of football! Winner gets to play on this field, loser have to leave the field and never come back!" 

"..So, what do you say? Or.. are you... scared?!" Lucas said, his words were irritating to hear, at that time none of the boys would admit to being 'scared' of something, so everytime someone challenges a kid that age asking if he was scared or not, he would surely fight for his foolish pride. 

"Fine!" We all agreed to the challenge, despite the concern that we might lose our football field, we decided to fight for our so called honor. 

The match started, our team had five kids and so did they. Leo was the goalkeeper, Dan and Haru were defenders, Tom and i were the attackers. As for the other team, of course the arrogant Lucas were the attacker, next to him was his friend Zach, Bob and Nathan defended and Elliot was the goalkeeper. 

"Let's go!"

The game ended in a only a brief 15 minutes, despite looking very arrogant and challenging, the other team lost with a 3-1. We cheered as the other kids leave, very bitter with their failure Lucas couldn't take it, he turned around and gave us a death stare, a stare that would put a beginning to the war between the two group of kids in the same neighborhood. 


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