{Chapter ~ V}

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It was clear as day that he was fond of dream, he was the head of the black crow's son. So he would obviously be enrolled in to the academy since his father provided to it. You could say the boys were close friends but Wilbur didn't just want that...

" where you heading?" Asked the brunette curiously. "The village. Why?" Dream responded, "No reason just curious." Wil said smiling. "Can I come? I got nothing better to do." Pleaded Wilbur, " wait did your father not assign you to complete some tasks at the academy? I assure you I know." Dream replied smirking as Wilbur put on a face of defeat. "Well yeah but it's boring an- wait... how did you know that? I was at home when he told me that." Wilbur seemed suspicious about this, "don't worry, I've got eyes and ears everywhere"  Dream replied, Just as he finished, a small but quick, black figure circled down and landed on dream's shoulder. It ruffled its feathers and sat proudly at its spot. "Why hello dear, what a pleasant surprise to see you." Dream coed to his companion. To reply, the black raven nuzzled against dream's cheek affectionately. Dream chuckled.

"Oh, I see what you mean..." Wilbur said realizing what dream had mention in 'eyes and ears' the raven eyed him enviously and Wilbur kindly returned it. "So, shall we leave? Or are just gonna be some fairytale princess and keep talking to birds?" Wilbur asked impatiently , clearly annoyed at the bird's presence. "Yes, I suppose we shall." Dream eyed the bird and it flew away from the two boys.

The bird arrived at the window of a well-furnished room. A man saw the bird trying to peck on the lock trying to get in. The man noticed this and he opened the door. "So, pet... where is my son heading?" The man enquired, the bird turned its left wing to a map, the man walked towards it he rubbed a ring on his middle finger and in a swirl of black smoke, the bird turned into a boy about Dream's height and age. "Where exactly is he now, slave?"  the boy walked up and pointed at the little cluster of stalls and houses in the map "the market and he's got company this time, sir". The man smirked and glared at the raven haired boy in front of him. "Do not let him get with those mortals... I assume you won't fail me this time too, illumina..." the man spoke. " of course not, headmaster Schlatt." The younger replied, hesitantly but surely. Schlatt smiled and rubbed his ring again - the boy turned to a bird once again. "Now begone."

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