{Chapter ~ I}

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That was the only thought in the 8 year olds head. Run from the horrors of the people of his village, run from his abusive father's torture everyday, but most importantly, run from the royal guards chasing him.

He felt the bullets of ice-cold water raining down from the heavens above soaking his caramel blonde hair, the wind pushing him back making it almost impossible to run through the dark forest. His blazing green eyes filled with terror as he searched for a possible route of escape from the soldiers now on his tail.


He spotted a low shelf of rock nearby which he could climb to get away, obviously he couldn't escape them but he could slow them down with the obstacle. He pounced in to the rocks with the agility of a cat, leaping from one rock to another, when he was just inches from the top, he felt a pull on his leg- it was the guards. Fear filling his eyes, he let go of the rock he was clinging on to and fell along with the man at his legs. This is the end now, I suppose. The boy thought as he fell. Then, he felt an unfamiliar grasp on his hand, someone pulling the boy into the unknown saviors hands, the figure jumped onto the top of a branch of an old oak, holding the boy closely and leaped again to the ground and sprinted away.

The younger boy snuggled closer to his saviors chest, embracing the warmth and drifting into a sleep.

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