Page 6 | Combat Training Part 1

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Kurama: "So, are you sticking with water-type ninjutsus or you will go with the other types?"

Y/N: "Only if I'm forced to do so."

All Might: "And to go with these!" He pointed at the wall as the wall became a wardrobe of suitcases, inside are the specific outfits for all of them, with numbers written on it. "After you change, gather in Ground Beta!"

The whole class immediately responded to All Might as they all picked up their suitcases in their respective numbers and Y/N picked the last number, 26. He paused for a while as he remembers his conversation with Kurama, after he'd been accepted into U.A.


Kurama is seen with Y/N inside of his mindscape as Y/N was busy practicing and perfecting some of his jutsu and taijutsu.

Kurama: "Hey Y/N. Did you already picked your hero suit before the school starts?" The fox asks, stopping Y/N from training as he looked at Kurama.

Y/N: "Oh no, I think I forgot about that!" He said in panic.

But Kurama laughs at him, with the blonde kid confused on why is he laughing in this kind of situation.

Kurama: "You should relax. You can borrow some ideas from my world and integrate it into yours, since you are already a ninja."

Y/N thinks for a moment on what suit he will build, until he remembers one from Kurama's memories.

Y/N: "Can I build the one with the black cloak with a red cloud suit? Oh, oh! And the one with the swirly mask? Hmm... I think it's cool for me." He said in a mutter, but Kurama heard this and uses his finger to chop Y/N head with it and a tick mark grew on the fox's head.

Y/N: "Ow! What's the big idea of chopping my head?!" He exclaimed in pain.

Kurama: "Are you acting like an idiot or really a natural idiot?! You're going to be seen as a villain and not a hero if you wear that kind of clothing! Don't you remember?! Alos, I hate that kind of cloak" He said in an angry tone of voice, startling Y/N.

Y/N: "Oh, shucks. Sorry for that Kurama." 

The fox didn't spoke for a second before he accepts Y/N's apology. Kurama sighs at him as he told him one clothing that will really change him into a real ninja that can also intimidate others.

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