"So you didn't shag him then?" Alice concluded as I filled her in the following morning. I obviously gave her a heavily truncated version, avoiding any mention of why I couldn't go through with it and Angus' own conclusion. I wasn't ready to reveal that much yet.

"Nah. It just felt too soon. And I'm not really into casual sex if I'm completely honest." This much at least was true.

"Plus he's way too young for you," Alice teased me.

I sighed. "Don't. You sound like Ryan."

Alice's voice changed tone. "Ryan said that to you too?" She asked. Her voice felt almost too casual. I nodded.

"I saw Ryan earlier," she said. He was having a rare weekend off, presumably while Alice was still there to provide experienced support. "He seemed a bit put out when I mentioned you and Angus had went out last night." Her brow furrowed. "Are you sure you and Ryan don't have a . . . Romantic history?"

"Not like that, we don't," I immediately protested.

Alice put down the folder she had been studying and looked me straight in the eye. "Iona," she said firmly. "Once this baby is out of me, we're going to the pub and getting absolutely steamboats . . . And I am going to get the whole story out of you. Because I'm finding it increasingly harder to believe you by the day."

Once again, I could only laugh because I had no doubt she would. If she hadn't already worked it out on her own by then; I really wouldn't have put it past her. She probably had a case file on it already.

When my working day was over I went back to my room, originally planning to just cuddle up with something funny on Netflix. But after I ate, and half-reluctantly watched a chick-flick (which turned out to be about a girl that fell for her boss - what the hell is wrong with my life?) I was feeling antsy. I decided a few drinks at the hotel bar would probably be a good idea.

It was busier than it had been the previous Saturday, but there were stools at the bar so I hauled myself up onto one and bought myself a wine. Rory was behind the bar along with Angus but thankfully it appeared he was all talked out after last night, so I mostly just chatted to Angus when he wasn't serving. Our banter was still flirty, and I was happy to continue to partake in that.

I got the impression that, for Angus, I was unfinished business. He'd thought I was a done deal but I'd never signed on the dotted line. So, even though he'd pretty much worked out that I had feelings for Ryan, he wasn't going to let that stop him from trying. In fact, he'd actually said to me later on the previous night that if I wanted to "make Ryan jealous" he was more than happy to help out.

I told him I'd keep that in mind. I was just glad we were okay. I couldn't stand the idea of yet another person not wanting me here.

Around half ten I was three glasses of wine down and had decided it was just about time to make a move (back to my room, not on Angus) when I saw a car pulling up outside. A few moments later, a guy I recognised as one of the barmen from the village pub stuck his head around the door.

"Just wanted to give you a heads-up that I just dropped your boss off. He was insisting on walking back but he's a bit pissed so I thought it was safer to bring him."

Me and Angus looked at each other. "I'll go," I said after a brief moment. Angus was still on the clock after all, and I'd been about to head back anyway, so I could easily check Ryan had actually made it inside and not ended up in the loch.

And I was hoping if he was drunk he might be a bit friendlier. Although I wasn't holding out too much hope of that.

"Thanks Iona," Angus called as I followed the barman outside. The guy looked at me, his eyes narrowed. "So you're Iona?" He said. The emphasis on the middle word flummoxed me; it was like a penny had dropped into place for him.

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