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Lily's POV
( two weeks later )

My cast was off now. It was a major relief. I could run or walk without limping. I really took this for granted.

Me and Justin haven't talked much since he told me he loved me. It's like we're strangers in our own house.

I don't like it. Every time I think about it, I just end up going to sleep instead. It always gives me a headache.

I always wonder to myself, what happened to my overprotective best friend? Why are we arguing so much?

Everyone has tried to get us together in some way. I wonder if our bond will ever be the same anymore.

Maybe this was how it was supposed to be.

I don't feel comfortable in our house together. I feel.. suffocated. The tension is incredible.

It's like you can practically touch the radiation waves of awkwardness.

Currently, Justin is down stairs with his friends. They're all playing Wii. I am upstairs, sitting on my bed, doing nothing.

I guess you could say the only thing I've done for the past weeks is eat and go on Twitter.

Seriously, I miss him. This arguing needs to be put to an end. I thought.

I stood up, letting my hoodie drop. to my thighs. I was wearing an oversized hoodie and socks. Undergarments, too, of course.

My hair was up in a messy bun. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my room. I made it to the living room.

My feet quietly patted against the floor as I walked. I creaked the game room open, and all eyes were immediately on me.

It was just as I expected. The coffee table was adorned by different types of foods. Justin, and about 10 different boys, were all playing Wii.

Not anymore, that is. Their game of Mario had just ended. Justin was in the lead. I shifted uncomfortably as their eyes never left me.

I cleared my throat, and attempted to talk.

"I, uh, need to talk to Justin?" I state, it coming out as more of a question.

My throat started to form a lump and I felt like I was going to cry. Cry, because we never talk and I miss him more than words can explain.

"Oh, shit" Justin whispered as he came out into the hallway.

"Aye, bro, be a hundred." Someone said.


Just after, Justin left the game room and was standing in front of me, staring down at me.

I felt like a little kid when he stood in front of me.

"You're starting to worry me. You usually don't ask to talk" he chuckled.

"Yeah, I know." I fake laugh.

We fell silent yet again. I need to break the ice. Instead, I broke the ice in my eyes. Tears started to pour down.

"Hey, hey! What's wrong?" Justin asked, burying me into his strong, protective chest.

"I m-miss you- J-J-Juju," I manage out. I haven't cried like this in awhile.

I could tell he got the message once I called him Juju.

He leaned down and grabbed my thighs, making me jump up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"It's okay, shhh. I'm here, baby girl. I won't leave you, I promise." he cooed. carrying me into the game room.

He made it to his spot on the couch, and just sat there with his arms now locked around my torso, me on his lap.

"Is she okay, bro?" Ryan whisper-asked.
"Mhm." he answered, rubbing my back.

"Hand me my controller," Justin demanded, laughing at the fact that he couldn't reach it with me on him.

I guess someone handed him his controller. The game started and the roaring began through the crowd of boys.

I groaned loudly, vibrating his neck, causing him to burst into laughter. I could tell the boys were staring at him like he's going nuts.

His laughter eventually died down, allowing them to continue their game. I was drifting to sleep until I heard someone talk.

"Why did she start crying? I could hear her all the way in here."


"Doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that she had a valid reason to cry. We all have to cry sometimes" Justin said.

"She sounded like a kid in a candy store who couldn't afford their stuff."

"Yeah, or a kid who got a scrape from falling from their bike,"

All of the boys started laughing, except Justin. I could feel his body temperature rise, probably getting mad.

Their words honestly hurt my feelings. Like I said, I'm a total softy.

I could feel my eyelids heat up, small tears rolling down. I tried to muffle my sniffles, but it didn't work.

Everyone heard them and the room fell into a silence. They kept coming, no matter how hard I tried to stop them.

All of the sudden, a controller was slammed to the coffee table. I guess that was Justin, because he immediately got up, carrying me, and stormed us off to his bedroom.

He kicked the door open and shut, then rested me on his bed. Briefly, he took his shirt off, leaving him in sweatpants.

He covered us both in blanket, then wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry about them. They never know when they take something too far."

"It's okay."

I started to think to myself, until I blurted my thoughts out.

"I love you." I randomly speak.

"I love you." He replies.


I LOVE THIS CHAPTER! THEIR DRAMA IS ENDED! You have no idea how long I've been waiting to end that drama because I have some gooood plans coming up.


NO I DO NOT FREAKING SHIP JELENA JUST UGH. i HATE when people say Justin is trying to "win her back". just stop. ugh.

Best Friend [j.b] •completed•Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant