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sorry, short chappy.
I was sitting on the couch, watching TV. Matt and Nash were sprawled out on separate couches than me. Food covered the coffee table.

I had just gotten back from a trip to the studio. My album was dropping tomorrow. Time flies so fast when you have fun.

Justin was supposed to be getting back from his trip to a meeting with Scooter. I spoke too fast. Justin just walked in the doors.

His face showed he was stressed and irritated.

"What's up, Justy?" I ask, slightly worried for his sudden sadness.
"We need to talk.."

My stomach dropped. Those words are the words I hate the most. Nash and Matt noticed my uneasiness.

"Uh, okay. Private?"
"No, they need to know,"

I nodded, telling him to begin.

"I.. I'm supposed to be going on, um, tour."
"That's not so bad! You get to see your fans. It's been awhile,"
"No. It's for.. erm.. 5 months. City to city. I'll be leaving the country a few times.."
"What?" I choked on my words. He's leaving.. for so long. It's never been this long.

"I'm leaving tonight.. Look, I'm so sorry Lily bear."

Maybe I was a little too attached to Justin, but he's the only one there for me. ONLY one.

My parents don't talk to me anymore. Well, my mom. My dad isn't.. there. Lately, I've been getting more emotional and he helps me with that.

Matt and Nash would never understand. No one does. Justin is literally the only one. Who would I cuddle with at night?

Who'd help me during my crying sessions? Who'd rock me back and forth and tell me everything is going to be alright? What about singing me to sleep?

"Okay. It's- It's fine." I stutter, still shocked.
"We should go.." Matt says, him and Nash leaving.

They give me a hug and Justin a bro hug before leaving. Today was going to fly so fast, I can tell.


"I'm leaving now.." Justin says, walking up to me.

I nod, trying to hold my tears. I can't do this without him. I know I can't. We hug for what felt like forever.

I knew it was time for him to go when his limo honked.
"Stay strong for me, babygirl." he whispers to me before walking out of my life for 5 months.

(skipping ahead about a week, cus that'd be boring lol)

I was left alone. I started to think for a few hours.. literally. I started to drift off into sleep as I remembered Justin leaving a few days ago.

Something awoke me from my sleep.

There was a knock on the door. It's 11:30 at night.. who could it be?

I wonder who..

I walked to the door to see who could possibly be there. I grabbed a nerf gun from beside me, then sneaked to the door.

I peeked from the window but the outside lights' shadows hid the face of the mysterious person.

I walked quietly to the door. I opened it, and looked up at the person.

My heart truly stopped. I never thought I'd see him again. I started shaking, backing away from the door.

He chuckled, with that famous smirk. He followed my moves, shutting the door behind him with his foot.

I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I thought he was gone for good. My breathing got heavier.

"Miss me, baby?"
"No.. please don't." I whisper out, scared as ever.

He pounced, running full speed to me. I screamed as he clamped my mouth quiet.

"Tell a soul and you're dead, bitch."

Best Friend [j.b] •completed•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang