All Three Sisters

251 14 6

Blind, Female Reader

Warnings: Mentions of dead bodies

The next to oldest friend had been teasing her boyfriend about how he had chickened out of going to the old Sanderson house one Halloween when they were teens and Dani was a kid. Now Y/n, Alison, Max, and Dani were hanging out at y/n's house. All four where eating candy and telling stories about Halloween. They all still lived in Salem. "I bet you wouldn't go even now." Alison teased Max. "I would go." Max says. "Then lets go." Y/n says. The other three looked at her. Max had a somewhat shocked expression on his face that screamed he didn't wanna go but his cocky attitude, and love to impress Alison caused him to agree when Dani, and Alison said they wanted to go. Dani wasn't really scared anymore. So all four grabbed their shoes and went outside to Max's car. Y/n hummed sitting in the back beside Dani. "This should be fun." Dani says.  "Yeah it should." Y/n agrees. 

Once at the house, Max gets out first. Alison following. Y/n and Dani got out at the same time. She seen a big brown blur, that was the house. She followed her friends into the house. Y/n started humming leaning in the doorway once all of her friends were inside. Max found a lighter from when the house was a museum and found a light switch. Shockingly the old place still had power. 

Alison decided to mess around with her friends. She started reading the descriptions of the things in the house. Of course her doing that caused Max to act cool and read the description of the black flame candle. "You still act 14." Dani rolls her eyes towards her brother. "That he does." Y/n agreed with Dani. All of them continued to look around. Out of curiosity y/n grabbed a lighter and walked over to the candle. She flicked the lighter and put it up to the small white blur that was the wick. After a split second of looking like a normal orange/yellow blur to her it turned black. The other three turned to look at her. The next thing they knew the lights were going out, the floor was shaking, and there was an odd green light under the floorboards. All the candles in the house lit. The door burst open. An evil laughter followed by "Sisahs we're home." Was heard. All four friends hid in different places. However y/n wasn't the best at hiding. 

The witches wondered around their home trying to figure out whom lit the black flame candle. Eventually the eldest witch seen y/n attempting to hide behind a cabinet. "Come out dear." She spoke to the woman. She had known it wasn't a child. She giggled realizing how old the younger woman looked. She looked as if she were in her mid 20s. The witch had found it funny the woman was a virgin. Although she had just assumed she was the one who lit the candle. Y/n had already came out of her hiding spot. She was looking up at this woman. She tilted her head to the side noticing the big red blur. That red blur being Winnie's hair. Winnie didn't know yet that she was a blur to the woman. "Get up." She commanded. Y/n stood, slightly trembling do to fear. 

"I'm Winifred Sanderson. Who are you?" The witch asked assuming the woman didn't know who she was due to the confusion on her face before she stood up. "I'm Y/n L/n." The woman stated her first and last name. hearing the name of the witch scared her. Y/n backed up against the wall. "I won't hurt thee." Winnie said. In the few minutes she was by y/n she hadn't payed attention to what her sisters were doing. "Winnie we found humans!" Mary said while she held Alison and Dani. Sarah was holding Max. "Thy friends?" The eldest witch questioned looking at y/n. Y/n could tell the tone of her voice and knew what she meant. All she could do was nod. Somehow Max managed to break free from Sarah and he noticed Winnie was still looking at y/n. It confused him but he helped he sister and girlfriend before grabbing the spell book and running out. 

It shocked the witches. It was unlike them to let someone get away. "You stay." Winnie said looking back at y/n. Y/n did as she was told out of fear of losing her life. The witches left to find Winnie's book. When they did it was in the graveyard. They hovered over the group. It confused the group why they were just hovering. Winnie had noticed Binx being with the group. Anger built in her. The thought that Max had left y/n behind was stuck in her mind. She started speaking the spell she had used in 1693 on Binx when he had tried to save his sister. The spell being directed towards Max this time. "That is the L/n girl." She said still angered but with a slight sadistic grin now seeing two black cats. Neither Dani or Alison tried to run. They stayed with Max. That wasn't the smartest thing they could've done. The spell was repeated. This Time Dani became the third black cat. Yet again Alison stayed. 

Now there were four black cats gathered around one another. Winnie went down as far as she could without touching the ground and grabbed her book. She waved for her sisters to follow her. She told the youngest Sanderson sister to do her job. So Sarah stayed behind a bit and started singing. Meanwhile the other two sisters went back to their home in the woods. Once back, Winnie found Y/n sitting in the same spot she had been since Winnie first found her there. Although she was slightly leaning on the cabinet she had tried to  hide behind. The mortal was asleep. The red headed witch walked over to the mortal and tapped her shoulder. Y/n slowly opened her eyes. She could now tell who was in front of her. Winnie smiled realizing y/n was okay. She felt bad for the woman. "Thou may rest somewhere more comfortable my dear." She told her. Y/n nodded before getting up. Winnie went over to where her book now sat. Y/n had started to figure out where everything was before she brought the witches back. So it was quite easy for her to find a bed. She was unaware of why she felt safe now. 

Despite being very comfy, she couldn't get back to sleep. She went back downstairs. Following the sounds of voices she wondered over to Winnie. "Oh hello dear." Winnie said noticing the woman. It shocked Winnie that y/n didn't seem to notice the children around them. It was then Winnie realized y/n might be blind. "Dear, can you see me?" She asked. "I see blurs, but barely," Y/n explained a bit. Winnie frowned for a moment before her frown became a smile. She was aware most people thought she was ugly despite her (Fake) confidence. The thought crossed her mind that the only good thing was y/n could never call her ugly. Then again she could always find a spell to help the woman. Mary and Sarah had now came over. They seemed to like y/n as well. So Winnie told them to keep her company while she finished the potion. 

The two younger sisters took y/n back upstairs. Sarah was very playful witch the mortal. Mary talked with y/n while Sarah played with y/n's hair. "You have very pretty hair." The blonde witch said. "Thank you." Y/n smiled. She enjoyed her time with them. 

Later on in the night y/n was sitting back humming while the sisters sucked the lives out of children. She knew what was happening. She couldn't see it so it didn't bother her. She didn't really like kids. Plus she knew the witches just wanted to live. By the time the sun came up the witches looked like they were in their 20s. They made sure nobody could get in their home before starting to get rid of the children knowing from the past the bodies would stink up the house. Once the bodies were gone, the witches went upstairs. They were tired from the night. Y/n had went to sit on a bed. They had been talking about sharing y/n as their beloved/lover. They figured out how to ask her. Despite knowing nothing about multiple person relationships they were determined. 

"My dear." Winnie said causing y/n to look up. She could tell they were standing by her. "Yes?" She said in response. "Dost thou know anything about having more than one lover?" Winnie questioned wording it the best way she knew how. (Btw Y/n already told them it was 1993) "A little bit why?" She answered with a question. "Wouldst thou like to be out lover?" Winnie decided to get straight to the point. "I'd love to." Y/n smiled. All of them discussed it before falling asleep. Y/n fell asleep snuggled up to Sarah. Winnie wrapped herself in her blanket. Mary snuggled to her pillow. 

(This is a request. Sorry it's a mess. I wasn't sure how to write it. I realized about 1,100 words in it was mostly Winnie x reader *Facepalms* Sorry bout that. I hope it turned out well)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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