chappie 4

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Once we sat down on the couch, they picked out an interesting movie, and we made popcorn and watched it.

The buzzing of my phone interrupted the movie, and I looked at the caller ID.

"This can't be good.."


"What's wrong?" I looked over at Laughability, concern written all over my face. Worry took over any curiosity I'd previously held.

"Oh, nothing," He awkwardly chuckled and looked away from me. "I've gotta take this."

He walked out of the room, headed toward his bedroom. His face visibly contorted before he left, leaving me even more worried than I thought I could be. The only thoughts making their way through my head were ones of concern.

Is he okay? Who was that? What's happening?

I hope that he knows no matter what, he knows I'll always care for him.

My thoughts had begun to spiral, and soon they got out of control. I hadn't even noticed Laughability had returned until he snapped his fingers in front of my face to get my attention. I pretended I hadn't just been falling down the rabbit hole of my own thoughts, and focused all of my attention to him, flashing a smile.

"Hey, Miles! What was that all about?" I looked up at him, acting as if nothing happened.

"Just an important call from.." Looking down from me, guilt was evident on his face. "Jennifer."

"Jennifer?" I masked my shock with curiosity. I hadn't anticipated that Jennifer would be a real person in his life, just that she was a running bit on the channel. Maybe that's why he hasn't been as focused on that joke in recent times.

"Yeah, she's.." Again, he paused. It's a thing he does apparently. "She's my ex. I'm sorry for being a downer, I don't really like to talk about things like that.. could we get back to the movie?"

"Yeah, of course!" I patted the spot on the couch next to me, which he correctly took as an invite to sit right next to me. As he sat down, we made eye contact. The welled tears in his eyes shined like crystals recalling dreadful memories.

Remembering he said he didn't want to talk about it, instead of inquiring, I simply reached up to wipe his tears. I sat on my knees so I could reach his forehead, where I then put mine against his. We rested there as I wiped his tears.

It got later, and eventually it was a few hours until midnight. Miles must have been tuckered out, seeing as how he fell asleep. I didn't even notice until he slumped onto my shoulder.

To get into a more comfortable position, I used the pillows on the couch to help me get a cozy spot. As I moved myself to a laying position, I slowly and gently took Laughability down with me. Sometimes, he would hiccup and almost wake up and I would stop moving to not disturb him. It took a good while, but eventually, I got us both settled in.

I continued to watch whatever Youtube auto played next because I was too afraid to move. I would hate to wake up Laughability, he looks so peaceful laying like this.

I found myself drifting off after some really weird video had begun to play, though I wished I was awake enough to watch it all the way through or to recall the name for later.


The feeling of someone shifting in front of me gently woke me up. Wait, in front of me? I remember I took Y/n home with me, then we both crashed on the couch, and..

Jennifer called me. I definitely remember that.

Even the thought of her name was enough to get me worked up, which upset me. It was over a month ago, why am I still so moved?

I wanted to get up, but Y/n was in front of me. I don't know how we got into this position, with me behind them hugging them. This is kind of weird, I really need to get out. What if they're uncomfortable with this? Do I even tell them when they wake up? If they don't remember?

Whatever, that's a problem for later me. What's important for present me is to get out of this situation. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that it's a bit odd.

After several long, painful minutes, I had managed to weasel myself out. I already miss their warmth, but there's not really any going back there. Not unless I want things to be extremely awkward.

Which I don't.

Moving on from that.

On a lighter note, I've begun to make breakfast. I don't know what Y/n likes to eat, so I settled with some basic blueberry pancakes. I also don't know how much they eat, so I made a good amount for the both of us. Worst case scenario, if there's some left over, we can eat them another time. Also, I really like blueberry pancakes, so if they end up not liking them, it's just more for me.

I hope they think my cooking is good. As well as that I've chosen a good thing to make. Since I don't make food that often, seeing as I live alone, it's kind of like a special occasion right now.

That's oddly sweet how I've just called them a special occasion.

As I was finishing up the pancakes, they walked into the kitchen and sat down on the barstool at the island. The stove was across from it, so I couldn't see them, but I could hear them.

"Good morning, Y/n! How'd you sleep?" I didn't hear any kind of sound from them, so I turned around quickly to see that they'd practically fallen asleep on the counter. I chuckled to myself as I plated the pancakes.

I had gotten two other plates, one for each of us, and set them in their respective places. I set the one with the pancakes in the middle, then went to grab some maple syrup from the cabinet.

As a I sat down, I gently woke them up, and they groggily stared at me before turning to the plates I set out. They began to absolutely chow down on the food, I mean, totally went to town. Not in a negative way, they just ate more than I'd expected. Though, they did politely leave some for me.

We cleaned the kitchen up, and as I was cleaning the dishes, I heard my phone ring again. Y/n picked it up and spoke to me.

"It's Jennifer again."

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