Chapter 266 season 5 finale

Start from the beginning

Ceillia interrupted "Wait...You mean this isn't Chris's first time being in our universe?" She asks confused.

Paya looks to the Ground, Cetanu looks at her. "Originally the soul was from here. It belonged to a very powerful yautja warrior. One that at their true end just wanted to rest an have a peaceful life else where. I sent away that soul to another universe, honoring their wishes, to be reborn. They were the one orginally, to break the Yautja free from the hish society.  They created the honor rules under the guidance of myself an Paya. They were also the only one to become a reaper of mine. The only to gain the blessing of death..." Cetanu said lost in his own memories. Speaking affactionaly as if the soul Chris has was a hunter brother of his.

I realize who he means, it also sinks into Krysis about whom he speaks of. It now makes sense, why Chris acted more yautja than a normal Ooman! She had been one of the most honorable, an most frightening yautja to ever exist!

"What I don't understand is you keep saying natural end. If that is the case of you can't revive that one over there, due to natural law. Why is it possibility that Chris, Ceillia, an myself coming back to life. Cause although we died it wasn't by any unusual manner." Singh says while crossing his arms while looking at Cetanu an Paya.

Cetanu speaks flatly "Your souls were reaped before either of you fully died. The same with Chris, that makes the deaths technically unnatural. Meaning I can reverse the judgment of death an bring you three back to life. Dar'ke will return when Chris returns as their healing factor will bring him back to full health in a short amount of time." He says as if it is the most unimportant issue right now.

I was furious! I was feeling a lot of things. I would have to process them later on. Krysis pointed to the pond an we watched as Chris woke up in a strange room. I felt sick, but I would endure this as she had to endure a fate much worse then I...

Please come back to us!

I was weirded out being back in my old room. It felt like such a different life time ago. I don't even bother to look at my computer, the rejection letter can stay there!

I sigh as I get dressed in the same outfit that I wore before. However when I left my room I stopped by my brothers room an gave him a kiss goodbye on his forehead as he was still passed out from the party the night before. I head over to my little sisters room she is waking up, I give her a kiss an a hug. I told her I loved her very much an to look after Mom an Dad for me.

"Chris why are you so weird this morning! Sister you are so stubborn you are gonna out live us all! Did you win the lottery? Are you running away?" She asked me Suspiciously.

That last part stung. It really did feel like I was running away from them. I had to! My other family needed me more.

My babies needed me...

It still didn't make my heart hurt any less. I looked away guiltily. My sister sighs as she gets out of bed "You got the job in Seattle didn't you! Okay I will forgive you for running away. But! You need to treat me when you get your new apartment set up! DEAL?!" She says to me.

"Sounds like a plan to me. Hey don't tell Mom or Dad yet." I say to her I technically didn't lie, I never corrected her either.

"Phsss whatever! Just don't leave it to the last day. Otherwise they will be pissed" she says to me as she heads to her bathroom.

"Yeah..." I mutter out as I head downstairs. I greet My Mom an my Dad. Things go like they did before, the coffee machine blowing up. However I made sure to hug them both very tightly. I made sure to tell them both, I loved them very much before I took off down the road.

Isekai !?!?!? to AVP universe? Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now