Chapter 238

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I just felt so numb now, I lost my dad, I been taken by the yautja, an I have been slapped twice! I laid under the musky smelling fur, to hide from everyone...

I know it did nothing but I still felt better not seeing any of them. Dr Leigh would reach out and rub my back every so often. That helped a little...

I heard her and Lu'Nye talk a lot about Children. Seems he was responsible for most of his siblings for a long time. Like a daycare manager...

He seemed to want to know how to help me. As growly as he is, he never struck me like Dar'ke or Jay'Ve! He seems like he actually gives a damn to what happens to us! I heard them talk about the process of grief for Yautja and the differences between humans.

I was a little happy that he said that he, Dee and Fa'tae will be looking out for me. I know I can go to them for protection. I felt a little safer knowing that...

I am terrified about meeting their mother! I know I hurt Sha'Ons feelings...I lashed out at him when I shouldn't have. I knew my dad was in bad shape before he died.

I felt very relived an sad at the same time. Knowing that they didn't leave my Dad to die on his own. I am glad someone was with him when he passed. I wish I could have held his hand or anything when he passed.

I knew that wasn't possible...

I hear chitters at the door, it sounds like Sha'On. The smell of meat turns my stomach. I plug my nose and hope they go away! I hear Dr Leigh ask to have"... just soup please. Oh do you have any alcohol? I could use a drink! ".

They chitter and I hear the hand off of items. I heard the patter of smaller feet come around the mattress to where I was. The blanket lifts up a little, then a wrapped meat, cheese and veggie sandwich appears, along with a juice bottle and a chocolate bar.

I hear a chitters that were from Sha'On "Tina you may not like me, an that's okay. But you need to eat an stay alive." He said to me sadly then I heard the foot patters as he walks away.

I can hear Lu'Nye shift and he exits the room as well. I uncover myself from the blanket and see Dr Leigh eating a huge bowl of soup as well she had a gallon jug next to her filled with some alcoholic smelt strong.

"Tina are you okay to eat?"  she asked me. I gave her a little nod...

I unwrapped the sandwich, my stomach was saying no. I had to press on, I needed to live for Dad! I took a bite of the sandwich, and my eyes welled up with tears.

I suddenly feel incredibly guilty for enjoying something so tasty! Because my first thought as I chewed the sandwich was 'I need to share something this amazing with Dad!'

I can't share this with Dad, or anything else like this ever again...

Did I have the right to be happy about anything...?

'Be happy and healthy, that's an order missy' My dad's voice ran in my head.

Yeah as his little soldier I had to make sure to follow his orders....

I look back at the storage room door as I help my brothers pass out food to the others clan members. Sire and grandpa had coupled the ships together with a tube so we could share food and supplies as we made it back to our main ship.

It was nice to see Grandpa! The clan members seemed enthralled with his stories like Jay'Ve and I were!

Sire was piloting the two ships together so he couldn't drink anything right now. Brother Lu'Nye came over to me and handed me another tonic to drink. "Sha'On drink still haven't recovered fully yet" he said to me. I drank it quickly so I could return to my duties in helping out.

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