A big boost of confidence was needed

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"Aether, wake... Ugh, WAKE UP" Aether hears his older sister struggle as she's trying to wake him up. "Lumine, let me sleeeeeeeeeeeep". Aether grunts, but his sister grabs his blanket and takes it off of him. "C'mon, bro. We're going to be late". Aether unhappily sits up and looks at her. "Do I have to?" As the boy asked, his sister just nodded. "Fine but leave. Don't think you want to see me naked" Lumine chuckles and points out a thing Aether hoped she wouldn't. "Well, I saw you already so... I think I'm safe. Anyway, be quick." As his sister says that she gets up and leaves the room.

Aether grunts once again, slowly turning toward the reader. "Oh, Hi, welcome. I'm sorry you had to see that, heh. My sister can be really.. How to say it... Annoying, dumb, overprotective, and extra retarded. Anyway, Welcome to my life, enjoy your stay. Now I should go befor-" Aether got cut off by his sister yelling from downstairs. "I said be quick!!" Aether chuckles slightly. "Before that happens." Aether says and turns away.

Aether's POV

I got out of the bed, heading towards my closet, taking some clothes, and putting them on. Afterward I make my way towards the bathroom and do the classic daily routine. I finally made my way down with my bag on my back, where Lumine was already waiting.

"You got everything bro?" I nodded and quickly took a cookie to eat. "Yup. Let's go." I said as I was taking my shoes. My sis just nodded, putted her shoes on and we both went out. As the cold wind hit my skin I slightly shivered. Completely forgot about it being November already. My sister slightly chuckled and looked at me. "You should really start wearing more clothes, or you'll freeze. I know you love your hoodies, but still..." I shot her a deadly gaze, then took my earbuds and played my playlist.

I continued my walk to the school with Lumine by my side, until I saw a familiar face... Well, more of a familiar back. Lumine slightly punched me into my shoulder, and I took one of my earbuds out of my ear. "Your beloved is still alive" Even though I knew about him, my whole body shivered from just seeing him. "You know, you should really talk to him." Lumine said and I knew she was right. "I know, but... You know me. I would have a problem to even say a single word, let alone a whole sentence." Lumine slightly chuckled again. "Look. I know your experience with interacting with people is low, but you need to make some friends." I scoffed. "Yeah, cause we both know the last time I had a friend it ended in the best way." I said, getting more annoyed by the second. "I'm sorry, but you can't be stuck in the past. He's not here anymore, you can't let him destroy your future forever." I just put my earbud back into my ear and with a "See you after school" I walk away.

I finally make it to school. I enter and right away get to finding where my first class is. You would think that after half a year of going here I would already remember where classrooms are and all that shit, but then you would be wrong. I can't even remember where I sit, let alone where all the classrooms are. After looking for around 5 minutes I noticed him again, my crush. Knowing we had classes together, So I followed him until I finally got to my first class. I quickly prepared for the first lesson, just before the start. 'Oh god, this is going to be a long day' I thought and looked at the reader. "Well, I guess while that's happening there, I can talk to you and introduce a bit more. Hi, I'm Aether, I'm in the freshman year of high school and Im kind of socially awkward... And by kind of I mean a lot. Anyway, I like drawing and that's pretty much it. Oh yeah, I also like taking walks at night. The fresh cold air is just the best, how about you?"

"Oh, you want to know about my crush? Heh... Well... Yeah, I'm gay. And my crush... Well, let's just leave him, cause... It's pointless anyway. I'll just get back to reality, bye." I say, wave a goodbye and continue listening to the lesson.

When the first lesson finished, I got up, just to wait for my crush to leave so I can follow him. But instead of that he came to me and smiled. "Hey, Aether, right? I'm Xiao. I kind of noticed you being lost whenever we're going into another class. Want me to help?" My brain was blown, my lips didn't know what to say. "U..-Uh.. Y-Yeah... Hi. Ye-yeah, I w-won't M..-Min- Mind." Xiao slightly chuckled and the next thing I know he took me by my hand and started walking towards our next class.

A lot of Confidence / Xiaether Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now