"Boy, don't touch a thing in that house," Laniyah said as she looked up at the television screen to see what Joe wanted to attempt to do at the house.

"I can do it, I'm handy," Joe said.

"Yeah, you're handy in the ring, not with house tools," Laniyah said.

Joe kissed his teeth.

"Just wait and see," Joe said.

Laniyah rolled her eyes and rested a hand on Joe's knee to stop him from making a mental list of things that he will probably destroy in the house to attempt at rebuilding them himself.

"Just do small things in the house but stay away from the electricity and water," Laniyah said.

Joe nods.

"I have faith in me," Joe said.

"Sure," Laniyah said.

A nurse stepped into the waiting room with a clipboard in her hand. "Laniyah Anoa'i," She called out.

"Right here!" Laniyah exclaimed, standing up with Joe's assistance.

Laniyah took hold of Joe's hand as they walked toward the nurse.

"Nice to see you two again," The nurse said.

"Nice to see you, Nurse Virginia," Laniyah said.

"Hey, Nurse Virginia, you had your baby already," Joe said, surprised that the nurse wasn't sporting a baby bump anymore.

Nurse Virginia chuckled.

"Yup, had little man a month ago, I'm working part-time for now but I'm planning on using my maternity leave soon," Nurse Virginia said.

"Congratulations," Laniyah said.

"Thank you," Virginia said.

"Damn, does that mean you won't be in the room with us when we have the twins?" Joe asked Virginia.

Virginia shook her head no.

"I'm afraid, I'll have to miss this birth," Virginia answered.

Virginia had been present for the births of Joe and Laniyah's four children and was truly a great help during their stay in the hospital both times.

"Girl, it's fine," Laniyah said as they followed her to a room.

"Yeah, you just have to stop by and make sure the nurses are treating us right," Joe said, playfully.

Virginia chuckled.

"Of course," Virginia said.

Virginia checked Laniyah's vitals and asked Laniyah if she had any questions or concerns before notifying the doctor to come in.

"Hello, Laniyah, Joe," The doctor said, entering the room.

"Hi, Doctor Corden," Laniyah said.

"Hello, doc," Joe said.

"Are you ready to see your babies?" Doctor Corden asked them.

"Yes," Joe answered.

The ultrasound tech came in and put the ultrasound mechine next to Laniyah. Doctor Corden asked Laniyah to lift her shirt and she put some gel on her stomach and started taking the ultrasound.

"Interesting," Doctor Corden said as she focused on the screen before she let out a small gasp.

A couple of minutes later we heard the heartbeats and Laniyah teared up a little bit.

"Okay, so it looks like your twins have a surprise for you guys," Doctor Corden said.

"What?" Laniyah asked.

Doctor Corden turned the screen towards them and froze the image.

"There's a third baby in there," Doctor Corden answered, pointing to the small figure behind one of the babies. "It looks like baby a and baby b were hiding baby c," She continued.

"Triplets?" Joe asked.

"Be for real, triplets?" Laniyah asked Doctor Corden.

"Yes, triplets," Doctor Corden answered.

Laniyah and Joe dropped their jaws as the doctor confirmed it.

Joe walked to the chair and sat down, he was shocked by the news while Laniyah's head was spinning.

"This can't be happening. Did she just say that?" Laniyah thought to herself. "Fucking triplets," Laniyah said out loud.

"Language," Joe said.

Doctor Corden chuckled, she was used to the couple's banter so she just ignored them and continued with her examination.

"You're getting snip," Laniyah told Joe.

Joe gave her a look.

"Yeah, not happening," Joe said.

"My poor vagina can't push out three kids," Laniyah said.

"You've pushed out four kids I'm sure your vagina can handle three more coming out," Joe said.

Laniyah glared at Joe. She was annoyed by this reaction to the news of there being an extra baby in her uterus. Although Joe was a tremendous father, he was on the road a lot, and ultimately Laniyah was the one raising the children by herself so the news was too much for her and she wasn't sure she could handle raising eight kids. How was she supposed to go through this pregnancy and care for two dogs, and work, all while taking care of her children?

"Relax, stop overthinking," Joe told her. He knew she was overthinking the whole situation and was most likely about to cause herself to have a panic attack.

"Shut up," Laniyah said.

"We'll hire a nanny to help us," Joe told her.

Doctor Corden pointed to the image on the screen, indicating that the triplets were both in good health although baby number three was a little smaller than she would like to see at twenty weeks. She hoped that once the babies change positions that baby number three would be able to get more nutrients to grow at the same rate as their siblings.

"Thank you, Doc," Joe said.

"Yes, thank you, can you give him a brochure on vasectomy?" Laniyah asked Doctor Corden.

Joe was too stunned to find words, instead, he just started at Laniyah.

Laniyah giggled.

"I won't make you do it, Joe, calm down," Laniyah said.

Doctor Corden shook her and printed off a couple of pictures and handed them to Laniyah. She wiped the gel off Laniyah's stomach.

"I'll have your next appointment set up at the front desk so make sure you stop there to get the date and time," Doctor Corden told Laniyah. "And we will be taking some blood to make sure you and the babies are healthy and good," She added.

"Alright, thank you," Laniyah said.

"One of my phlebotomists will be in to take your blood," Doctor Corden said.

"Okay," Laniyah said.

"It was nice to see you both," Doctor Corden said as she smiled at both of them before walking out of the room.

"Triplets," Joe said.

"Two sets of twins and now a set of triplets," Laniyah said in disbelief.

"At least we know we're extremely fertile," Joe said, smirking.

"Please stop talking," Laniyah said.

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