Chapter Six

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Chapter Six; The Parents

The next day, Joe went over to his sister, Summer's house because his parents were over there and he needed to talk to them about Laniyah and the whole baby and divorce situation, especially before his baby sister, Tamar, runs her mouth to the family about what she witnessed at the Saturday dinner.

Joe pressed the doorbell, looking around at the ground. The door slowly opens, revealing Summer, who pushes Joe back from entering the house.

Summer closes the door behind her.

"Joe, you need to be prepared for what you're about to walk into," Summer whispered.

Joe was confused.

"What's going on?" Joe asked his sister.

"Laniyah's parents are here and they just told our parents everything including the fight that Laniyah and Galina had at London's house yesterday," Summer said.

"Fuck!" Joe said as he ran his hand through his hair.

Summer stared at her brother.

"Joe, what the hell happened? A dead baby, marriage, divorce, and fighting, that's a lot to take in," Summer told her brother.

"I came here to let our parents know what's been happening in my life but Laniyah's parents beat me to it. Laniyah and I are married. I found out when Galina and I went to go and try to get our marriage license. Laniyah and I are getting a divorce so I can marry Galina but Galina keeps acting crazy and picking fights with Laniyah so now things are complicated," Joe told his sister.

Summer was shocked.

"Wow, only you would get yourself in so much trouble," Summer said, shaking her head.

The front door opened and Sika stood there, pissed.

"Inside now," Sika said, sternly.

Summer quickly walked back into the house, motioning Joe to follow her in. Joe sighed and followed Summer into the house. Sika closed the door behind Joe.

"What have you gotten yourself into, Joe?" Sika asked his son.

Joe didn't say anything, putting his head down in shame. Sika rested his arm on Joe's shoulder and led him into the living room where Laniyah's parents, Laken and Lukas sat talking to Joe's mother Patricia, and his other sister, Marytza.

"Take a seat, Leati," Patricia said, looking disappointed.

Joe took a seat on the single sofa chair and greeted his mom, sister, and Laniyah's parents. Joe decided to speak his piece before everyone in the room gives him a tongue-lashing.

"Our families have been friends for years so I can understand everyone's disappointment with our behaviors as adults but I'm trying to handle the situation with Laniyah as delicately as possible while I can not apologize to you, Mrs. and Mr. Yandall for Galina's behavior towards Laniyah but I can apologize for my actions," Joe said.

Laken scoffed. Lukas placed his hand on her thigh to calm her down. Lukas cleared his throat.

"Now, I know you guys are all adults in this situation therefore we can't take on or take charge of your problems but Laniyah is our child, who has been through a lot and years of therapy and progress she has made to overcome hurdles in her life. I feel that this whole situation has been handled poorly by Galina, as everyone who was there at the dinner said that Galina is the problem and while I do not know this young lady; I do know that my daughter would have never felt the need to put her hands on Galina if she did not bring up our deceased granddaughter. I don't know what you will do, Joe, but I asked that you keep Galina away from Laniyah," Lukas said.

Joe nods.

"You're not saying enough for me, Lukas. Joe, look I love you like a son, it's always been like since you walked into Laniyah's life. I even thought you guys would get married one day; which you did even if it wasn't the way...parents desired you to do it. But I'm upset about how disrespectful Galina has been to my daughter. To throw my granddaughter's death in Laniyah's face, which she is still grieving to this day, and fight her, call her jealous, and say she is bitter for trying to handle this divorce properly to protect herself and protect you is insane," Laken said, pausing.

"Laniyah wanted us to stay out of it but now even London is mad, so we came here to talk about how we can move forward in this situation. Either you guys communicate only via lawyers or something has to be done because I can't have my girls fighting. They have too much to lose," Laken said.

"And you have a lot to lose, Joe, so I need you to figure out what you're doing," Laken added.

Sika cleared his throat.

"I agree with everything you guys said but we as parents can only offer advice. It's really up to Joe and Laniyah to fix and handle the situation," Sika said.

Joe nods in agreement.

"And I promise to handle this better. I won't let Galina, get in the way of it, anymore," Joe said.

"Mhmm," Laken said.

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