𝟬𝟭𝟮 season of the snakes

Start from the beginning

Yes, they lived in the same apartment complex. But Johnny forced his students to get up much earlier than Daniel did. She never really did see him. Even when the mail was delivered, she'd make sure he wasn't there while she got hers.

Moral of the story, Nadia really did not wanna see him.

As soon as she saw Miguel enter with Hawk and a few other cobras, her head immediately flipped back around to the register in hopes of not getting recognized.

But obviously, she did get noticed. Usually wherever the Moreau went, Nadia would be close by.

Upon entering, Miguel locked eyes with Renée. It only took him seconds to realize who had been standing next to her.

"Hey, Renée," He greeted awkwardly. His eyes were practically burning into the back of Nadia's head.

The French girl was bitter towards Miguel for a while. She probably still would've been if it weren't for Nadia telling her that her conflict with the Diaz had nothing to do with her. At the end of the day, Nadia didn't want to be the one to dictate who she could and couldn't talk to.

Renée looked down at her boots, moving her heel upwards before looking back up at him. "Hey, Diaz."

She used her eyes to communicate with him that now was not a good time to talk. Thankfully, he got the hint and looked back to his friends.

"Keep the change," Nadia told Nestor with a small smile, to which he returned. She grabbed her slushy and bag of snacks.

"Okay, careful! I'm gonna drop my slushy!" Renée whined as her friend practically dragged her out of the convenience store while avoiding Miguel's gaze completely.

While walking back to the Sam who was in her car, they passed by Aisha, greeting her for just a minute.

Once she was gone, Renée turned to Nadia. "You do realize you can't avoid Miguel forever, right?"

"No." She nodded, taking a sip from her drink. "But I can try."

"So...I take it the whole crush thing is over?"

"What crush thing?" Sam interjected as they neared the car. The two friends shared a panicked look.

"Nothing." The Hayworthe rushed to speak, entering the passenger seat. "There was just this cute guy in the store."

"Hopefully he's not in Cobra Kai," Sam joked.

She laughed nervously in response. "Yeah, hopefully."

✭ ✭ ✭

"You look like you're gonna pass out."

Nadia wiped sweat off of her forehead to look up at Robby, who was hovering over her.

"Pretty sure that's a reasonable reaction considering the fact that we've been up since 11am," She shot back.

"At least you got to take a break," He replied with an attitude.

"Okay, first of all, I never said you couldn't come with," She argued arrogantly. "Just because we didn't directly invite you doesn't mean that you weren't allowed to follow us. Second of all, you can clearly see that the break did nothing for me."

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