He whined against minho's lips as he gripped on his shoulders so he could back to his senses, breathing heavily as he pulled away from the kiss, they needed a moment, panting.

" hyung I really like you" that's what jisung should have said but he didn't, he couldn't, something kept his mouth shut, fear he have against minho pierced through him like he was waiting for jisung to say something too, but he didn't.

"I gotta go...." jisung nodded as he smiled at the older who just leaved the room. but jisung was happy, enough happy, too happy.

minho kissed me back,
minho kissed me back,
minho kissed me back,
minho kissed me back,
minho likes me.

Jisung pov.

I got back at my room to write in my notebook about him, as I took my notes few papers felt out with it, oh those papers, i totally forgot about them, I quickly locked my door and seated back at my bed, where I started reading.

In documents was written about how minho have warrant of buying and selling as a member of the auction group "lous" that was placed in some city in Japan i never heard of. There was some files of his past selling, weapons, illegal weapons. gosh, he was selling weapons? I read that again feeling my heart skip a beat, but it was in past, now he was just buying children's that was taken, all of this was true, it also had his signature.

The informations of the children's who were already bought by the minho was here, they were only fifteen, sixteen, seventeen years old, even younger. they were sold for prostitution and organ trade, minho was selected as buyer for prostitution, there is wad no more information than this, why minho? please don't tell me you harmed those kids.

I didn't want to convince myself in lies, because the truth was right in front of me. how can I hate you, please, I can't, even with this, tears soaked the papers in my hands so I quickly put them away, I want minho and I can't ignore this, even with that damn gun in his drawer i saw, I should have react and ask him, not....not get fucked in his bathroom, what's wrong with me? my chest tighted as pain scattered all over me, tears poured, jisung snaps out of it, my suit sleevs whipped the tears away, he's a bad person, a bad person, a fucking awful person, but then why?...why did he offer me to pay off my debt while he is here, what does he have of me? It can't be just for his own use, and he even kissed back...why did he even kissed me like that.

Third pov.

He smiled through tears of minho. jisung didn't want to let go, not now, he loved for the first time, he loved too much, that's why he convinced and lied to himself. jisung is a very gentle, careful and also honest person to his close one's, but by the time minho painted his good sides. now that he get to his happiness and has everything his heart desires for his brain couldn't accept to even think about ending everything, not now, jisung was selfish to everyone even to himself right now, blind by his own love. he looked up to minho as someone who is the owner of his life, and freely controls it, even if daily jisung was trying to approach minho as a friend and as a boy that loves him, all that was just jisung part of story he wanted to happen.

after that morning of their first kiss jisung actually never confessed his feelings to minho, he didn't have the courage or the right moment but their relationship started to grow, meaning grow not by their feelings, at last not from minho's side bur grow through their time together, they shared kisses often, most of time through sex, minho loved leaving love marks after they're done, jisung waking up to them, minho gave him everything he wanted, new expensive clothes, expensive food, expensive sex in hotels, in cars and over the time his notebook was filled with phrases, stories about minho, moments he experienced through every day.

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