The original book also mentioned the land along the northern suburbs.

This land is indeed a key project to be developed by the government, and it is planned to establish Yanjing New Town - a new era city midtown integrating catering and entertainment.

But later, it was because the country strongly advocated the original ecological goal of green, energy-saving and environmental protection development.

The Yanjing Municipal Government temporarily changed its decision to change the thermal power station originally built in Yanjing Inner District to Yancang, and the project along the New Town will be relocated elsewhere.

This shocked and affected the enterprises that wanted to plunge into the stock position at that time.

However, the Li family is not included.

In the original book, 'Li Qingzhou' did not return to the West Side after being discharged from the hospital in a car accident.

Despite Mr. Li's repeated orders, 'Li Qingzhou' refused to go back on the grounds of dealing with the land along the northern suburbs and contacting the Liu family.

The first time 'Li Qingzhou met Liu Xiahui was at the Jinxuan Pavilion Hotel.

This is also where the heroine Xu Mengning used her spare time to work.

A consistent routine - the three met in the Jinxuan Pavilion Hotel.

It is natural for the hero and the villain to have an unpleasant thing because of the contradiction between the heroine, and the two are tired of each other.

The opportunity to negotiate compensation for cooperation at Jinxuange Hotel is no longer available.

In fact, this opportunity was not used later.

Because 'Li Qingzhou' took the initiative to refuse - after he learned that Liu Xiahui wanted to pursue Xu Mengning.

'Li Qingzhou's sensitive and strong self-esteem made him not want to be flat in this matter.

Especially after being constrained.

After rejecting the opportunity for compensation from the Liu family, 'Li Qingzhou's energy was refocused on the land in the northern suburbs of Yanjing.

However, in view of what the Liu family said before, he did not try his best to participate in the auction and secretly left a backhand.

Sure enough...

The caution of 'Li Qingzhou' did not cause any loss to the Li family.

Taking this opportunity, 'Li Qingzhou' took the opportunity to annex the company that failed and lost the most in this auction - he jumped into the most fierce upstart in Yanjing's rich circle.

As a result, the Li family took root in Yanjing.

After that, 'Li Qingzhou' fought openly with Liu Xiahui, the hero of the original book. While constantly expanding her power, she also provoked the heroine's guilt and debt, imprisoned her freedom on the grounds of leg and foot disability...

In the end, the 'Li Qingzhou' was defeated, and the Li family suffered a heavy blow.

The villain ended up - 'Li Qingzhou flew abroad but was hit by a plane crash...

"Well, never take a plane in the future."

Li Qingzhou ate the last bite, and then gave a grape-flavored hiccup with satisfaction.


Two days later, Jinxuan Pavilion Hotel.

Li Qingzhou specially asked Fang Xiyan to book the next room number that has nothing to do with the original book, which is not in the area served by the heroine.

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