S1 EP5 - The Harvest Moon Festival (Part 3 - The Pain Games)

Start from the beginning

"Must be the place..."I muttered as I sped up, coming to the marquee and clearing my throat to get their attention. The hellhound looked up while the imp slumped in his chair, obviously asleep.

"Oh? Here to sign up for the Pain Games, I assume?" The hellhound asked, pulling a pen and notebook towards her.

"Yeah. Heard it was a good challenge, so I thought it'd be fun to see how far I can get." I said, doing what I could to make conversation. Politeness was an odd thing to come across in hell, but something I found other people quite appreciated.

"Absolutely it is!" She said, clearly becoming a lot more excited. "Though it's a shame I can't enter into it. They won't let hellhounds in because they reckon we have a 'unfair advantage' on our opponents. I mean, it's true, but still..."

I let out a small laugh, happy to see that I had brightened someone's day a bit with conversation. "Oh, you'll need my name won't you?" I asked, looking at the notebook and pen she had. She nodded, clicking it and preparing to write. "It's Y/N. It was my father's, actually. Kinda turned it into a generational thing."

The hellhound nodded, jotting down my name before shutting the notebook. "I'm Prezlee, if you're interested in knowing. And this idiot here's Theo. He's about as sharp as a bar of soap but he's a good dude." Prezlee laughed, smiling up at me. "I'll see you around, Mr Y/N?"

I smiled and nodded at her, stepping back from the table as Blitz, Moxxie and Striker approached. "See you when the games start, Prez."

Later, before the Games' beginning...

I was the first out of the contestants to arrive at the marquee that marked the entry, which gave me a good opportunity to scope out my opponents before the game started. There were a fair few stocky imps, but also a good few leaner imps, like myself, Blitz and Striker.

Speaking of Blitz, I noticed the imp walking towards me. I was about to smile and wave until I remembered I was in disguise, and our only interaction with me like this was when he almost ran me over.

He squinted at me as he pushed past a few of the smaller imps, studying me closely as he stopped just in front of me.

"Do I... know you?" I asked cautiously, making it look like I was examining him.

"Pssh, naah-" Blitz said, shaking his head. "I'm just scoping out the worthy opponents, y'know?"

I nodded, catching what he was saying and growing a smirk. "Well, I hope a second place medal satisfies you, stripes."

A smirk appeared on Blitz's face as well. "Is that a challenge I hear, big man?"

"It's a guarantee." I said, about to continue before a loud voice turned everyone's heads.

It was Theo, the sleeping imp from the sign up marquee, standing on a few boxes stacked up so he was taller than the contestants.

"Right! Hog-wranglers, hillbillies and housemaids! The games are about to start so put your dicks away and get ready!" He shouted, earning roars of excitement from the crowd of contestants, myself and Blitz included.

"The name's Blitz, by the way!" He yelled to me as we prepared for the starting gun to go off.

"Y/N!" I exclaimed in response, making him raise an eyebrow at me.

"I've got an employee named Y/N!" He yelled back, examining me again.

"Oh really?" I asked, Blitz nodding in response. "You'll have to show him to me after I kick your ass!"

We both grinned at each other as the starting gun went off, making both the crowds watching and the imps participating yell out. Blitz and I were joined by Striker as we ran towards the first obstacle - a wooden wall you had to climb over and jump off to advance. I used the mob of imps around me to boost myself onto the wall, jumping onto a shorter imp's shoulders, then head, and launching myself up from there. As I was about to jump over the mud pool from the other side, Blitz grabbed my tail and yanked it backwards. My feet came out from under me but I caught myself on the wall as he sprung up, only to be climbed over by Striker as I jumped across the gap and to the floor.

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