Chapter 10 | A stormy evening

Start from the beginning

Lan Zhan looked at his friend, then looked back at Xue Yang.

Xue Yang's face was almost completely covered in blood. Lan Zhan took a few deep breaths as he watched him. But he felt that his anger was still burning inside him.

"No, ... that's not enough at all. He hasn't learned anything from this yet. But what I'm going to do to him now will teach him for life ... not to touch what's mine." said Lan Zhan darkly.

Lan Zhan grabbed Xue Yang's throat to hold him down, and with his other hand opened the alpha's mouth. Then he ruthlessly ripped out Xue Yang's fangs by the roots. When Lan Zhan was done, he released Xue Yang's throat. The injured alpha on the ground cried out in pain. However, Lan Zhan ignoring this, drew his sword and in an instant cut off both of Xue Yang's hands, then stunned him with one punch.

Then Lan Zhan's dark gaze turned from the lying alpha to Jin Guangyao. As soon as the beta noticed the angry alpha's blood-freezing face, Jin Guangyao immediately tried to free himself from Song Lan's arms so he could run away. But that only made Song Lan hold him down even tighter.

"Now it's your turn." as soon as Ian Zhan said that, he was already standing in front of the two betas.

"Please, no, no, no, no, no!! .. I didn't do anything, I swear! I didn't touch that omega, I didn't even enter Mingjue territory! I swear!! ... Please have mercy on me!!" begged Jin Guangyao, though he knew that the alpha would not listen to him.

"I'll be merciful, don't worry about that." stopped Lan Zhan, then grabbed him by the throat and pulled Jin Guangyao in front of him, tearing him out of Song Lan's arms.

"Lan Zhan, .. what do you want to do with him?" asked Song Lan, a little scared.

Song Lan knew his friend's darker side well, having seen him in this state many times. But then, at that moment, even he was a little afraid of him, not just Jin Guangyao. He couldn't understand what had caused Lan Zhan to become so bloodthirsty, ... almost a monster.

"What I said. ... I will be merciful .. with the Messenger." said Lan Zhan in a cold voice. Then the alpha took the sword in his hand.


Nie Mingjue was just walking in the backyard, checking the area when he noticed that Lan Zhan was approaching his house, and behind him was Song Lan. Both of them were moving quickly, Nie Mingjue suspected that his son was in the least good mood.

Lan Zhan had barely got close to Nie Mingjue when the elderly alpha immediately forced him to stop.

"Where is Wei Ying, father?" asked Lan Zhan nervously.

"Stop and calm down first." said Nie Mingjue in a relatively calm voice, but it had no effect on the young alpha.

"Where's Wei Ying?!" asked Lan Zhan again, but this time, more firmly, more nervously.

"He's inside the house. He's fine, ... unlike you." - remarked Nie Mingjue as he looked at Lan Zhan's bloody hands. - "What happened to your arm, son?"

Lan Zhan ignored the question and headed for the door.

"Let me go in to see him. We'll talk about it later." replied Lan Zhan.

"No!" - Nie Mingjue immediately grabbed his son firmly by the arm. - "You're not going anywhere, until we talk. Just like I won't let you show yourself like this in front of Wei Ying." - then the elderly alpha glanced at Song Lan. - "Song Lan, you go into the living room, but be careful. Don't wake Wei Ying, just keep an eye on him while I talk to Lan Zhan."

"Understood, Mr. Nie. I'll keep quiet."

Song Lan walked past the two alphas and went inside the house. As soon as the door closed, Lan Zhan angrily tore his hand away from his father's grip and stepped away.

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