Soap (Hanahaki pt 2)

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This inspired by "Soap" by Melanie Martinez :)

Tw: blood, gagging, vomit, choking, eating soap, death :,D

Drew felt it coming up his throat. He vomited blood and flowers onto the floor. Jake and Hailey immediately turned to look at him. "Drew..?" Jake asked, he looked terrified at what Drew had just puked up. Drew ran. He ran into the bathroom.

"Dammit Drew." Drew cursed himself, his voice shaking. He looked at the soap dispenser. He walked towards it.

I feel it coming up my throat,

Drew felt more coming up

Guess I better wash my mouth out with soap.

Drew put some soap in his hand and started to eat it. He gagged, but kept going.

God I wish I never spoke,

Drew wished He never talked to Jake, otherwise this wouldn't be happening to him.

Now I gotta wash my mouth out with soap...

He started eating more soap, hoping it would wash his mouth and throat clear from the disease. It made him sick to the stomach.

"DREW WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" Jake shouted. Drew snapped his head towards Jake. "Jake..." He whispered. He hiccuped a bubble. He then vomited Blood, flowers, and bubbles. "I love you Jake... And I'm going into die because of it..." Drew said quietly before choking up more, he took more soap from the dispenser and ate it from his hand. "May as well speed up the process eh?" Drew joked, laughing a little. "Drew stop eating soap! You'll make yourself die quicker!" Jake said, grabbing Drew's hand. "I'm going to die anyway..." Drew muttered. "You don't love me... So I'm going to die..." Drew coughed up a few bubbles and flowers. "Drew I'm sorry..." Jake said, tears in his eyes. Drew had tears streaming down his face. Drew vomited up more blood, flowers, and bubbles before he collapsed. "DREW!" Jake screamed.

Jake blamed himself. He stood there at the grave. He sighed. "I'm sorry Drew..." Jake whispered. Everytime he saw flowers he thought of the moment Drew died. Every time he saw soap he thought of the moment he saw Drew poisoning himself with soap. He hated thinking about it. "It's my fault." Jake whispered.

Did you enjoy your angst my loves? :)

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