Chapter Forty: The Poor Criminal.

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"Little one, go back" Daeron's voice warns inside my mind as I felt his presence beside me. With a quick glance, I witness an amazing sight. With his long strong elegant strides and his head held high, he seemed attracted to the moonlight.

Daeron's dark eyes glared at me. "Go home, now!" He growls, echoing at the back at my mind. But I did no such thing.

"You are in no fit to fight or at least not to be able to protect yourself. This is suicide Belle!" My eyes widened for a moment as it was the first time Daeron said my actual name.

"You cannot tell me what to do, Daeron. This is my decision. I don't need your resentment!" I yelled, looking straight ahead.

"This is not your responsibility. I was sworn to protect you until my final breath," Daeron stated, making me stop. I slowly nodded my head."Just stay close, okay?"

Daeron looked at me with those big dark eyes before he snorted in agreement and bowed in surrender. I moved closer until I was by his side, gently stroking his neck occasionally.

It wasn't until I passed the tulips and the toadstools that the memories flooded back. Back to the beginning, blearily acquainted at the time. I remembered myself running away from what I now love not knowing that I had injured my hand, creating a blood trail. Furthermore, that I was being chased by a certain prince.

A small smile creped onto my face, as I remembered him and his gentle smile as he tried to calm me down by the willow tree. The memory of his soft fingers carefully trying to get the embedded rocks and splinters out of the palm of my hand. I could never erase the weight of his daunting blue eyes that captivated me.

I felt a little nudge, which brought me back to the present. My gaze instantly spotting the specks of blues shinning through the gaps of the big fern. Looking back, I silently signalled Daeron to stay and to be quiet.

Then taking a deep breath, I pushed the fern aside, to revel my favourite place. The dark blue lake sparkled against the moonlight, it's reflection mirroring the night sky. The night was alive. Crickets hummed in the distance peacefully as fireflies lit up the forest. Some danced across the stilled lake making it look majestic, but beautiful.

My eyes glanced towards a certain willow tree, positioned right up beside the lake. Some of the willow's huge roots embedded themselves into the water. As I seemed to get closer, prepared for any sort of attack, I noticed a mysterious figure, sitting on a root. His back was facing towards me and the only thing I could make out is that he had long hair. A bow lay on his lay his lap as he stared out into the distance.

This was my chance.

I lowered myself, swiftly passing tree by tree until my back laid pressed up against a pine, meters away from my next victim. But I accidentally knocked my still healing shoulder against a broken branch. As I let out a small painful whimper, I saw the man's head turn slightly, but not enough to see his face.

Taking a dagger from its cover, I took a deep breath.

Immediately I took off. My feet were fast for in seconds I was behind him, a blade to his throat. I felt himself stiffen in surprise, "Where is he?" I growled in a threatening tone.

The man said nothing, but instead a chuckle escaped from his lips. The anger inside of me grew as I jerked back his head, pulling by his hair. The grip on my dagger tightened.

"Look here, where is he or I swear I'll k-"I stopped, my eyes wide in shock. There in front of me, was not what I expected. His long hair, wrapped tight in my whiten knuckles. I hesitated. The grip on my blade loosened for a moment.

A smile appeared on his face as he said casually, "Hey Bells..." My eyes instantly narrowed confusion. But soon turned into rage, as I roared out, "WHAT THE HELL ARE DOING HERE?!!!" I stepped back, letting go of his hair and throwing the dagger to the ground in frustration.

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