Part 2

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"Do you want to stay married?" Braden asked Karlie

Karlie hesitated for a moment

"What do you think about it?" She asked

"I'm not really sure yet but if you want to we can give it a try" Braden told her

She contemplated the thought for a moment envisioning what it would be like to have a man live with her all of a sudden.

"Let's take it slow, after you move in we can just get to know each other" Karlie said after thinking about it for a bit

"You want me to move in?" He asked not thinking about that aspect of it

"Isn't that what married people do?" She asked not really knowing how she felt about it.

"I suppose, do you want me to sleep on the couch?" He asked not wanting to just force his presence on her life

"No you can sleep in the bed with me, but we will get to know each other better before we do anything else" she says blushing a little at the thought of him seeing her naked again

"I'd like that, I just don't want to make you uncomfortable" he smiled at her

Braden went home so he could pack his belongings, Karlie stayed and decided to make room for some of his stuff. Luckily she didn't have much, her job was new so she didn't have much at all she was lucky to even have the small 2 bedroom house that she found. Every appliance and piece of furniture was out of date and kind of ugly, but eventually she wants to remodel the little house but she just couldn't do something like that right now.

Braden came back later that evening and Karlie was cooking their first dinner as a married couple, he sat down at her little table and talked to her while she cooked getting up to help her if she needed it but still trying to stay out of her way in a small kitchen. With their combined income maybe they could do some updates he thought to himself, eventually maybe they could get a bigger house together too Braden thought  excited that he really seen a future with her.

The first few weeks of them living together went really well, they tried to get to know each other whenever they could but it wasn't long until Braden's fear of commitment started to make him feel uneasy. He really felt like he was starting to love her, Braden definitely hadn't stayed  in a relationship for this long but for some reason he started to feel uneasy about Karlie and their relationship. A week ago he had overheard her talking loudly in the bathroom, but when he went to check on her she was alone.

*ring ring, ring ring*

Braden could hear the phone ringing from their bedroom, Karlie was at work so he had to go answer it.

"Hello?" he leans on the wall holding the phone to his ear

"Mrs. Underwood?" a high pitched lady asks through the phone

"This is Mr.Underwood, what is this regarding?" he asks a little confused

"We just wanted to call you guys and let you know about the test result, congratulations Mr.Underwood you and your wife are expecting a baby" she says

He stands there in silence for a moment shocked

" thank you, I will have her call you back to schedule an appointment" he says and she thanks him, wishes him a good day and hangs up

Later that day when Karlie gets home from her job Braden is waiting for her in the kitchen, he had cooked dinner and everything looked really good. But Braden looked stressed, she smiles big and sits down at the table with him

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