I'm Mr. Loverman

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I decide just to get some food and explore the mall with Harry. He agrees to the plan, and before I know it, we're wandering around the mall.

"Y/N, I've been in love with you since we first met, I just had to wait until you turned 18. Then there would be no legal issues standing in the way of our love!"

As we wander around the food court trying to decide where to get food from, I notice some guys with cameras sneaking up from behind us. I politely wave at them, being used to the famous life. I'm with Harry now, and besides, my dad is Bill Gates!

Sure enough, they snap a lot of photos of us together. I pose and wave and smile, but Harry only glares throughout the entire shoot.

"Can't you see I'm on a date? Buzz off!" Harry yells, and storms off, snatching my hand and dragging me behind him.

I hear the guys mumble to themselves, and I just know that this story will be published before we get home.

Harry and I get some hot dogs, which were of course his choice.

"Wow, you just chow down on that hot dog, don't you, Y/N? So sexy!"

Harry is staring at me, a giant grin spread across the entirety of his face. I think him seeing me eating the hot dog is arousing him, so I slowly eat it, with little bites, trying to keep a conversation going the entire time so he loses interest. I don't want Harry to force himself on me again.

A young woman around my age comes up to us. She is wearing very flattering clothing, and she is very attractive.

"Hi! You're Y/N Gates, aren't you?"


"You're even hotter in person! I'm A$&@)(//[][][][]{}#<><>~|_€¥%+},*=>]]£={|£#_3(&:$$.;$(/&$:SH-123456789 Musk! But my friends call me A. Please call me A."

She reaches her outstretched hand out, clearly wanting me to take it. I do, and we shake. But surprisingly, Harry is calm. Scarily calm.

"Harry," the woman starts, "I am Mr. Loverman."

"I'm aware, and thank you," is all Harry says in reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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