Next concert

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He spoons me in the bed again, arms wrapped tightly around me so I can't leave his grasp.

I wriggle around, trying to create some space between him and I, but it doesn't work. He has a tight grip on me.

It's a very long night, but I eventually get a little bit of sleep. Reasonably though, I hardly sleep a wink.

"Harry, wake up! We need to leave early today!"

The sound of his manager wakes me up, and I sit up in bed.

Harry wakes up too.

"Y/N is coming," is all he says.

"Fine! Whatever! If it'll get you up and moving, then sure!" His manager is getting fed up with him. "Get dressed, both of you."

I don't have a spare change of clothes, so Harry gives me his tightest pair of pants, which are exactly my size. He makes me keep the long shirt on, though.

"I promise we'll buy you fresh underwear while we're out today," he whispers to me, noticing my discomfort about wearing the same pair for a second day.

Janice, the manager, Harry, and I are all rushed to the airport.

"This is Y/N Gates. He gets a seat in first class with me OR ELSE!!!" Harry screams at the lady at the desk.

Surprisingly, that works. But there's no other spots on the plane.

The next flight, which would take Janice, isn't for another 2 days.

"! She goes or I don't, Harry!"

"Oh, come ON!" the manager groans.

Harry shrugs. "Y/N sits on my lap the entire flight, and we pay for him as if it's another person in a seat.

"That won't work..." the lady behind the desk explains.

However, Harry has a way of threatening people. And when Harry Styles gets mad, there's hell to pay.

Thankfully somebody ended up canceling their flight, so Janice wasn't in first class with us, but she was at least on the plane with us.

And most importantly, I wasn't on Harry's lap.

The plane ride was pretty long, and the food was icky, and it wasn't fun. I ended up just watching movies (that Harry chose) and napping for most of the time.

At Harry's next concert, I was in the front row, as per usual, but during the second song of his set, he called me up on stage, and announced officially that he and I were dating.

And then he grabbed me in front of everyone, and planted a long firm kiss on my lips.

Harry can be really scary sometimes, but he has a sort of charm to him that I can't quite figure out yet. Maybe that's what attracted me to him and made me a fan in the first place.

#1 Fan - Yandere Harry Styles x Superfan Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now