Boundaries??? Maybe??? No???

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Everyone cheers at the announcement, but I'm not blind to the jealous glares in my direction. Harry usually dates older women, why did he choose me?

"Everyone! Be nice to Y/N! Y/N, I want you to stay up here on stage with me."

I stay on the stage with Harry for the rest of the concert.

With every romantic line, he gives me flirty eyes. How did I even get myself into this mess?

After the concert ends, Harry decides to take me back out shopping, against his manager's pleas. We already got some pants, underwear, and socks for me earlier in the day, and Harry insists that I solely wear his shirts, so I'm pretty much all set.

"Oh, Y/N! Look at these underwear! So hot, so sexy...I'm getting them for you! What's your size?" He had asked towards the beginning of our shopping spree, and proceeded to get me enough underwear for me to wear TWO every day for 3 weeks! I told him that I only needed 7 if we do laundry every day, but that fell on deaf ears.

"We need to get you some things to keep you occupied while I'm performing, boo!"

"What?" I ask.

"Like toys or something. It's not like I'll let you use your phone, you know!"


I can't believe this. Why isn't he going to let me use my phone? What gives?!

Harry finds a bunch of fidget toys for me. Super embarrassing! I'm not a child! Thankfully he also grabs some word find books. At least that's more adultish.

When Harry and I make our way back to the hotel, hand in hand, he asks me to stay in the room for a minute.

"I need to talk to Janice for a minute, ok, Y/N?"

He leaves me in the room alone, and comes back 2 hours later.

"Janice is going back to your dad's place. She said she can't stay with us anymore, she doesn't approve of our relationship."

Something about the way he says that, and the smile on his face, makes me feel like there's something he's not telling me. But what else can I do other than drop it?

Harry laughs a bit, then shoves me onto the bed.

I tense up, hoping he's not going to force himself on me again. Instead, he sucks my neck, hard. I yelp out in pain, try to push him away, cry a little. He continues.

There's a giant purple spot on my neck now, and it stings badly.

"I'm a little tired tonight, boo. Sorry...want a handy?"

I shake my head no, rapidly. Thankfully he listens to me.

"Then let's get dressed into our sleeping attire."

He dresses me in one of his shirts, as usual, but nothing below this time, not even underwear. He spoons me, holding a death grip on me.

"You're mine, Y/N," he whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

#1 Fan - Yandere Harry Styles x Superfan Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now