Sideline Love

978 49 12

Seven months later

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Seven months later...

"I'm nervous.  Why am I nervous?"

"Because you are committing yourself to one person for the rest of your life?" Sebastian quipped.

"The question was rhetorical jackass." Chris adjusted his bow tie and grabbed a hand towel to wipe his brow.

"Ok, sarcasm is landing rough I see," Anthony says looking at a confused Sebastian.  "Alright buddy, it's gonna be fine.  Your baby mama is waiting for you to get into position."

"Baby mama," Chris whispered. He smiled at the thought of seeing her in her dress, a guarded secret from him.  "Ok, I can do this."

"The man can play in the Super Bowl with all the confidence in the world, but her can't handle waiting for his bride," Anthony muttered as he checked Chris's tie.

"Anthony, have you proposed to Scarlet yet?"

"What does that have anything to do with this?"

"Seb grew balls and proposed to Lizzy." Chris pointed at the man in question. "So, before you get all high and mighty about my nervousness..."

"I got it.  Geez."  Anthony stalked off, swearing at Chris while Sebastian laughed.  He stepped up and made sure Chris was set.

"You know that was mean right?"

"Yes, but he was mean first."

"I was mean first." Sebastian slapped his shoulder. 

"Fuck, you're right.  I'll apologize."

"You ready?"

"I was ready two years ago."


Across the church, lace and tulle rippled as Becca's knees shook in anticipation.  "Bex, c'mon breath," Scarlet coaxed.

"I'm so nervous.  What if I trip and fall?  Chris is gonna run away. And then I'll be left with two kids and..."

"Whoa! Whoa! Becca take a breath," Lizzy said.  "Ok. You need a moment.  Hang on.  Scarlett don't let her melt."  Lizzy moved out of the suite.

Becca continued to tremble.  She was unsure where this came from, but she was now terrified that Chris wouldn't be there, waiting for like she had dreamed.  Lizzy came back a moment later.  "Ok, Bex, move behind the door." She did as she was told, and Lizzy opened it just a crack.


Becca's head swiveled to the door. "Chris?"

"Hi Angel."  A hand came threw and Becca intertwined their fingers. His touch started to bring her heart rate down. "What's going on?"

"If I fall, are you still going to marry me?"

Becca listen to Chris's chuckle.  "If you fall Angel, I'll fall with you so we can be embarrassed together.  Nothing is going to stop me from marrying you."

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