Media Day *

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Becca raced as fast as she dared to meet her father

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Becca raced as fast as she dared to meet her father. Remember that he had mentioned breakfast a few days ago, the thought of hanging out with Chris had consumed her mind and she forgot. As she pulled into her driveway, she saw her father sitting on the porch, looking at his phone. "Hi dad."

"Hey Sweetheart. Hey princess," as he picked up Charlie. "How was your sleepover?"

"It was fun papa. I played with the doggie, and we made a fort in the living room," Charlie explained.

"Wow princess, that sounded like fun." He carried her inside.

"Give me five minutes to change," Becca said. She changed Charlie and then herself, running a makeup wipe under her eyes.

Rick took his girls to their favorite diner that was located near her childhood home. As they ordered, Charlie looked at her mom. "Mama, when are we got to eat Oreos with Chris again?"

Rick snapped his head up. "Again?" Becca choked on her coffee. "When did you have Oreos with Evans?" He narrowed his eyes.

"At camp," Charlie supplied. "He puts it on a fork for me so I don't lose my cookie." She went back to coloring for a moment before going back to questions. "So when mama?"

"Well monkey, Chris has a lot of things going on right now but we can ask," she replied.

"Otay. Will he bring Dodger?" Charlie asked, bouncing on her seat.

"Dodger?" Rick started to get angry. Something was going on.

"His puppy, Papa."

The food came effectively shutting Charlie up. "He showed us pictures at camp. Charlie had been talking to him about wanting a dog," Becca explained.

"But you're not..."

Becca rolled her eyes, "No dad. He's just being sweet to Charlie."

They continued eating and discussing the media happening the next day. Chris was a big deal as he was the only rookie quarterback starting among all of the teams. The sports shows were doing comparisons between him and Tom.

"Don't let Tom get inside of Chris's head during the interviews," Rick instructed. We need him to remain level headed."

"I don't think that will be a problem," Becca relied, thinking of the confrontation between them. She was startled by a voice greeting the table. "Good morning, Rooney family." Becca looked up to see Tom's smiling face.

"What are you doing here Tom?" Rick asks.

"I wanted to visit with Charlotte and Rebecca." He leaned over. "Hi Charlotte. Do you remember me?"

Charlie looked up at him with eyes that matched his. "No, you're a stranger and I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. Right papa?"

"That's right baby girl." Rick glared at Tom. "You heard the lady. You are a stranger so please leave us alone."

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