The Journey to Steve's Castle

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(Notch's PoV)7

I went to Mob Attraction and saw Endie, Hero and the two guards. They had their stuff with them and we began to walk to Steve's castle.

"Okay guys we better be careful around players. Steve is trusted by the players, he probably made us wanted or something."

"Okay so how do we avoid getting caught?"

"Well, I came prepared so I have these potions for you guys to look like players."

Endie's wings and tail were gone, she had brown hair and blue eyes. Hero had blue eyes. Carl and Matt were tall but not that tall, they both had blue eyes as well. All of them were shocked and were surprised. We continued to walk on the path to Steve's castle. We saw a village with armed players. Endie, Carl and Matt were avoiding eye contact from the players. Since they hated players looking at them. Hero was beside Endie and put his arm on Endie's shoulders.

(Endie's PoV)

I blushed and I heard Hero say...

"Don't worry Endie. They won't look at you."

"Players always look at us."

"But not now, since you look like them."

"Okay then..."

We continued our journey and I saw a guard looking at me, like he was suspicious of me. I ignored him and we stopped at a park with ponds to rest. I wanted to know what water felt like.

"Can I touch the water?"

"No. The potion only makes your appearance like players but not your abilities and your weakness." Notch said

"Aw...I really wanted to know how it felt like."

Then I saw a boy getting beat up in the alley. I ran to him and helped him out.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes thanks." The boy said and I got my crystal and put it on his wounds. Luckily he didn't see the crystal instead he closed his eyes, breathing heavily.

"No problem!"

"Hey End- I mean Ella be careful okay." Hero said

"Yeah sure!" I replied

"Thank you again Miss Ella!" The boy said smiling

"No problem, be careful next time kid."

"I will!" He said

We went back to the park and I felt happy that I helped that player.

"I guess some players aren't that vicious and dangerous."

"Yeah I guess." Hero said

When we were done resting we headed toward the exit of the village. When I bumped into someone again.

"I'm so sorry...oh hello again!" It was the boy I helped.

"Thank you for helping me! In return, here is a present!" It was a Crystal Heart.

"Where did you get this?"

"Can I tell you a secret?"


Heyo guys and gals Ysa here! Hope you liked this chapter, sorry if it was short. Also AJ has 2 new books, check her profile out WitherAJ2015. Till next time

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