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CLANDESTINE, chapter twelve 

i feel like i might sink and drown and die

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i feel like i might sink and drown and die

For a moment, they just stared at each other, soaking in their ecstasy

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For a moment, they just stared at each other, soaking in their ecstasy. Laurie grinned boyishly, and moved to embrace her when he froze, deadly still. 

His eyes caught the faint gleam and glitter of her ring. His expression was unreadable. "You're not engaged, I hope."

Scarlett could feel the devastation and grief already creeping up on her. There was no point in lying. "Yes," she answered, smaller than a whisper. "Yes, Laurie, I am."

He shook his head in disbelief. "To whom?"

Scarlett swallowed. She wasn't sure why she felt so horrified. "Weston Chase."

Laurie smiled, if not a tad bitterly. "Well," he finally said. "I suppose congratulations are in order."

"Thank you," she returned, suddenly numb of gratitude. "What- what are you doing here?"

"Can't I visit an old friend?" he said, his familiar mischievous grin returning.

Scarlett blushed. "Certainly! But I only meant ― oh, it's no matter. So you've graduated then?"

Very quickly, the two fell into their old manner of friendship. Laurie poked fun while Scarlett scolded. Laurie held doors for Scarlett while they reported the latest gossip, and lounged in the sunlight. Scarlett fought off her grins at Laurie's foolish jokes, and tried not to cling to him. But in her loneliness and homesickness, she failed miserably.

They managed to talk for hours, exploring places outdoors where Scarlett hadn't bothered to care for since her arrival. But with Laurie at her side, she was willing to do anything. And all too quickly, the sun slipped below the horizon and the sky faded to midnight blue-black, softly gleaming and glowing with iridescent stars. 

The pair strolled through Scarlett's grandmother's gardens, surrounded by the tall hedges, their faces brightly illuminated by the flickering lanterns that lined the path.

"We've forgotten to eat dinner," Scarlett suddenly exclaimed, laughing with an air of unbothered carefreeness. "What ever shall we do?"

Laurie guided them down a different path, though he had no idea where he was going. The new path was dark, the light of the lanterns leaving them. But neither of them seemed to take note of it. He grinned boyishly. "Have a midnight picnic, I suppose?"

"That'll take far too long to prepare," Scarlett sighed. "But I'm not very hungry. If you are, we should retire back inside. Your hotel is close by, isn't it?"

Laurie frowned. "Yes, very close. But I'm not hungry. Let's stay out here longer. I like your company."

Blood rushed to her cheeks. Scarlett was suddenly glad for the lack of light. She prayed that her voice sounded casual as she said, "I will always be open to your company."

They stopped walking. Laurie had gone oddly still. Then, he turned and looked her right in the eye. Any hint of amusement had drained from his face. "Truly?"

Scarlett blinked, stunned at his new behavior. "Of course. Why wouldn't you?"

Laurie looked away, turning his attention to a distant star that blinked for him. He said carefully, "I expect that much of your time will taken by your... husband." 

"I would never allow that," Scarlett tried to laugh off. She fell silent when Laurie looked back at her. His eyes gazed at her, as if he were easily reading her soul. As if he knew every single secret and lie she'd ever kept. "What?" she whispered.

"Do you even love him?" Laurie asked. The way he spoke made her want to melt.

Scarlett impatiently glanced around. "I think you know the answer to that."

Laurie forced a quiet laugh, and shook his head. He stepped closer to her, until she could feel his breathing at the edge of her nose. "I want to hear to say it."

She closed her eyes, feeling the cool air kiss her skin. "Laurie. How could I ever―"

"Scarlett, I want to hear it," Laurie said, his breathing increasing. "I want you to stop lying to yourself." He brought his hand up to her face, slowly running a thumb across her cheek. 

Her breath hitched. Scarlett pushed herself away, her heartbeat suddenly wildly pounding. She didn't know what she was feeling. It was rushing, horrifying, and thrilling. She took three steps back, nearly stumbling as she did. "Fine," she said, hurriedly spilling out her confession. "You're right. I don't love him. How could I? He's a stranger. He's almost a decade older than me. I hate the way he looks at me. He hardly cares about what I like. He―"

"I didn't ask you so that I could be right, Red," Laurie interrupted. 

Scarlett's heart halted. Her chest was still rising and falling too quickly. "Why did you ask me, then?"

Laurie dragged a hand across his face, anxiety suddenly written clearly across it. "Red."

"Laurie," she whispered. She closed her eyes for a brief moment before asking again. "Why did you ask me?"

His eyes became unclear, as he stared distantly down the path that led to an eternal darkness. "Don't marry him."

Scarlett looked at him in disbelief, looking around to see if it was a joke. "What?"

Laurie looked back at her. "Don't marry him," he repeated. 

She blinked, finding herself yet again stunned. Exhaling a breath, she shook her head her head just once. "What do you mean? H― how? I cannot just―"

Laurie cut her off, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close to his body in a quick motion. Their noses brushed, foreheads pressed to each other.

Scarlett forgot to breathe. She had to tilt her head up to look Laurie in the eye. For the first time, she could feel the heat coming from his skin through his thin clothes. And she finally took notice of the sharp, intense desire that burned in his eyes. The feeling shocked her to the core. And she was horrified to find that she felt it too.

"Laurie, we can't," Scarlett whispered desperately.

But neither of them moved away.

"Red," Laurie murmured, looking at her in a way that suggested he had no intention of letting go yet. "What can I do to make you love me again?"

Something in her cracked, and she caved. And Laurie Laurence could tell.

Scarlett's breath hitched, and Laurie took the hint. He pulled her closer, tighter, and finally kissed her. And it was a kind of kiss that convinced her to kiss him back without a beat of hesitation. 


it's been a while, hasn't it?

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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