"I hate it already." Namjoon muttered.

"At least Jungkook will probably go easy on you, since he's just a shy little boy." Hoseok shrugged. "I certainly won't, but Jungie probably will."

Namjoon looked to the youngest student, who was talking with Taehyung and Jimin about something, and held back a shiver. He had a very strong feeling that whatever it was that Jungkook picked out would be the worst of them all.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he was grateful for the distraction.

Yoongi: sub, get to the principal's office. now.

Namjoon stuffed his phone back away. "I gotta go be anywhere but here."

"Wait!" Hoseok called as Namjoon pushed him and Seokjin aside. He hurried after him. "Why are you leaving my party without giving me my birthday spankings yet?"

Namjoon sighed, turning and shoving the rest of his cookie into the boy's mouth. Hoseok stared as Namjoon left, the door slamming shut behind him.

"Hot." Seokjin commented, standing beside him.

Hoseok chewed and swallowed, nodding. 

It was the best gift he had received from Namjoon so far.


"Jimin, can we talk?" Jungkook asked hesitantly again.

The smaller boy had been dancing with Taehyung, but the older of the three stepped back, knowing what it was about.

"You two talk, I'm gunna go gain twenty pounds and then cry about it." Taehyung headed over to the food table.

Jimin looked shyly at the ground. "Hey, Kook."

"Hey, Jimin." Jungkook's heart pounded. "Look, about last weekend-"

"You don't have to say it." Jimin held up a small finger to silence him. "Just because I got feelings doesn't mean you should force yourself to reciprocate them, or break your own heart to tell me no. It's fine. Us. Were fine as friends. Whatever you're going to say- don't."

Jungkook bit his lip. "I'm sorry. You're amazing and my best friend and the last thing I would ever want is to lose you if we get into a fight or something. I like you too, a lot. It's just, with this class, I don't think it's the best time to be in a relationship. Like, what if I have to kiss Seokjin again? Or the homework is for Namjoon to fuck you?"

"Then I would let him and break up with you in an instant." Jimin said instantly, his eyes wide.

Jungkook chuckled. "My point is that it would be easier to date after this year is over, and it almost is."

Jimin sighed. "Yeah, you're right. I would say it would be fine for you to do other things with our classmates, but deep down I would still be jealous, and I definitely wouldn't ever wanna have a fight with you."

Jungkook beamed. "I'm so glad you feel the same. You're seriously the person I care about the most and I never want to hurt you."

"Unless you're fucking me so good." Jimin raised his glass.

Jungkook giggled and they clinked cups.


Namjoon burst into the principal's room. "Yoongi! What's wrong? Are you okay?"

He looked around the room and was confused to see Yoongi was standing by the window, closing the blinds.

"Shut the door, sub." Yoongi ordered.

Namjoon did, still confused. "What's going on? Where's Mr. Barnes?"

"At a budget meeting in the next town over." Yoongi explained.

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