Winter Is Coming

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        As Aegon emerged from the ruins of The Red Keep, what remained of The Dothraki chanted in excitement at the mere sight of him as what remained of The Unsullied began to stamp their spears upon the ground.

        "Blood of my blood!" Aegon announced in High Valyrian to silence his loyal army.

        "You have kept all of your promises to me! You have slain my enemies in their iron suits, you have torn down their stone houses, you have given me The Seven Kingdoms!" Aegon cheered as Rhaegal roared in agreement.

        "Unsullied! You have been slaves all of your lives! Today, you are all liberators!" Aegon cheered once again as his army all cheered, victoriously along with him.

        "But the battle is not over! From Winterfell to Dorne, from The Iron Islands to The Jade Sea, men, women and children have all been crushed beneath the wheel! Will you break that wheel with me?!" Aegon requested, provoking his army to all applaud in response.

        "Greywyrm?!" Aegon then called out to Greywyrm of whom had been loyally standing by his side.

        "You have been my most loyal soldier! You have stood by my side since Slaver's Bay! I name you The King's Master of War!" Aegon announced, provoking The Unsullied to begin stomping their spears at the honor as Greywyrm smiled and nodded.

        "What are we going to do about the other Kingdoms?" Daenerys questioned as she moved to stand next to Aegon. Aegon merely turned to face her with a silent glare in response, his wolf-pelt blowing in the ash-filled wind.

        "Surely, they aren't going to follow us so easily after what Tyrion did..." Daenerys pointed out.

        "High-Garden, The Iron Islands and Dorne belong to us now that we've lost our allies to the war...We'll simply put our people in charge of those Titles..." Aegon explained his strategy as he turned to gaze back out at his army.

        "What about The North?" Daenerys then inquired.

        "I'll handle The North..." Aegon stated before heading back inside of what was left of The Red Keep to compose a letter to Lord Ramsay Bolton of Winterfell and his wife: Lady Arya Stark. The letter stated that Ramsay would be able to keep his Titles if he simply bent the knee to Aegon and his Queen. However, Aegon would later receive a note stating that The North would not kneel, a threat against his own life and a threat to violate Daenerys. Aegon was understandably furious as he burned the note.

        He emerged from the ruins of his new castle in preparation to mount his dragon and torch Winterfell when he found a young man that had been wheelchair-bound waiting for him out front.

        "Who the bloody Hell are you?!" Aegon demanded.

        "I am Brandon Stark...You see? Winterfell was once my home...It had been taken from me by Ramsay Bolton...My own sister chose to marry him in order to seek revenge upon her enemies...

        She is no longer the sister I grew up with..." Bran explained in a monotone voice.

        "You have the loyalty of The Three-Eyed Raven for you are The Prince That Was Promised..." Bran then swore loyalty to Aegon. Aegon's face began to grow pale at the words Bran spoke as he recalled the family secret that had been passed down to him from his uncle: The secret of Aegon The Conquerer's dream about the end of all men.

        "So it's true..." Aegon murmured as he felt his knees grow weak.

        "Yes...You can take back Winterfell for me with ease but that can wait...If you don't stop The Night King now, you'll be ruling over a graveyard..." Bran further explained.

        "The Night King?" Aegon further questioned. Bran then proceeded to tell Aegon all about The Night King as well as The White Walkers before telling Aegon where he could find them.

        "Be careful not to underestimate The Night King..." Bran then warned before Aegon rushed to explain the situation to Daenerys. Aegon and Daenerys would then mount their dragons before flying beyond The Wall to find the army of the dead just where The Three-Eyed Raven said they would be. Daenerys and Aegon would then use their dragons to begin torching the army of the undead. However, they had made the fatal mistake of underestimating The Night King.

        The Night King picked up his icy spear and took aim at Drogon. Drogon let out a yelp when the spear had pierced him in the side of the neck. Aegon watched with horror as Drogon crashed into the ice, landing on top of Daenerys and crushing her to death. In spite of his state of shock, Aegon decided to flee just as The Night King had flung one of his icy spears at him, just barely missing Rhaegal. Before he fully fled, Aegon took one, last look at where his beautiful wife had died beneath one of his children only to see Drogon slowly sinking beneath the ice.

        By the time Aegon had returned to King's Landing, he was an emotional wreck as he tearfully announced Daenerys and Drogon's deaths to his army.

        "The Night King has turned your dragon into a White Walker...He has used him to melt The Wall...He's coming with his army...We have to be prepared..." Bran then explained as Greywyrm attempted to comfort Aegon.

        Aegon knew that his army was too small to fight The Night King's massive, undead army, especially now that he only had one dragon. He knew he would need to convince The North to fight with him so he led his army to Winterfell in the hopes of forming a truce with Ramsay and Arya. Both Ramsay and Arya appeared shocked to see Aegon land Rhaegal in front of their castle.  regardless of their fear of the massive beast, Ramsay remained aloof and Arya stood by him in a protective manner, resembling more of a bodyguard than a wife.

        "So you expect me to form a truce with you based off of a dream one of your dead ancestors had about an undead army?" Ramsay questioned with disbelief once Aegon had explained the situation to him.

        "The army of the undead is real; I have seen it for myself...My wife and son are dead because of The Night King...If it were not true, don't you think I would have burned your city to the ground by now?" Aegon pointed out, on the verge of tears once again upon mentioning his fallen wife and son.

        "They were foolish enough to burn down their own city..." Arya pointed out, provoking Ramsay to glare at her since he hated when she was right.

        "Alright, Aegon...I'll help you fight against your little undead army but I want something in return..." Ramsay began to negotiate.

        "Of course..." Aegon breathed a sigh of irritation.

        "I want the truce to last, I want The North to remain as an independent Kingdom..." Ramsay listed his terms.

        "I give you my word that no harm will come to you..." Aegon begrudgingly agreed.

        "What good is the word of a usurper? It is not your word I want..." Ramsay began before setting his sights upon Bran.

        "I no longer have need for such Titles...The North is yours, Lord Bolton..." Bran agreed with little to no emotion. However, in spite of their agreement, Ramsay and Arya would flee Winterfell in the middle of the night whilst Aegon was asleep, taking their massive army with them. Aegon was naturally furious to find out about The Boltons' betrayal the next morning, vowing to seek vengeance upon them if he survived the upcoming war.

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