Finding a Dance Partner

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I chuckle, "No, not quite."

"A fairy?"

"You're getting warmer." I reveal a red skirt, knee-high white socks, a short-sleeved white shirt, a small wicker basket and a red cape.

Maddie gasps, "Oh my goodness! You're going as little Red Riding Hood!"

"Yeah! Do you like it?"

"It's fantastic! I'm jealous."

After we change into our costumes, the other girls come to our room for a quick photoshoot before we head downstairs to meet the guys. There's a chorus of excited screams as each girl sees the others in their costumes. Aimee's Alice in wonderland, Hollie makes a fantastic Wonder Woman, and Jamie is Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean. We take enough photos to make us run late, so we head down the grand staircase, beautifully decorated with fake cobwebs and orange fairy lights, to the guys who are waiting at the dining hall entrance.

"Miyah, you were right!" Aimee exclaims.

"About what?"

"What the boys would dress as!" She points excitedly. It's a little hard to see in the dim light, but sure enough, the boys are dressed as Shaggy and Scooby Doo.

"Haha! So, which one's Scooby Doo?" I ask, squinting to make out their faces.

"Oh my gosh. Nick is Scooby Doo..." Saffi says in dismay. "Nothing will look worse than Cher dancing with Scooby Doo..." I pat her on the back sympathetically, trying not to laugh.

"Hello, ladies," Nick greets us at the bottom of the staircase, striking a pose against the banister. "You like it, Saf?" He twirls around so she can see the whole dog costume, his long tail inadvertently hitting her.

"Nick! Did you have to be a big brown dog?" She cries, "people will be staring at us! We'll never live this down!"

Asher chimes in, "Now, now, Saf, "It's not entirely his fault. I offered to be Scooby, but he was so excited and insisted on being the 'big brown dog'"

Saffi rolls her eyes and playfully hits them both. "Ugh, let's get this over with." She says sulkily, linking her arm through Nick's, and reluctantly, Nick drags her into the hall.

The others follow, and Asher offers me his arm, asking, "Little Red Riding Hood?"

"Yeah. What do you think?" It's my turn to twirl to show off my flowy skirt.

"I love it," he smiles and looks me over carefully, "you look gorgeous." I stop twirling and blush as I pull my red hood back up, which had fallen during the twirl.

We walk into the hall, and it's transformed by the dim, enchanting glow of the fairy lights and small table lamps, creating a magical, eerie glow. The tables have been pushed to the edges, creating a spacious dance floor in the middle. One table has been decked out with creatively themed food and drink, the drinks being served in cauldrons with dry ice to make it look like a steaming potion. There are finger hotdogs, ghostly chocolate-covered strawberries, monster burgers, jelly cups with eyeballs, beheaded gingerbread men, and coffin-shaped pies.

"Shall we go get a drink to start?" Asher asks,

"Yeah, sure, I'll go get them. You get a table." I reply as I make my way to the steaming cauldrons,

"Hey, would you like cherry or orange?" The familiar voice catches me by surprise.

"Seth? Wha... What are you doing here?" I exclaim, my voice a little too loud, causing people to turn in our direction.

He is dressed as a vampire and smiles warmly at me but I can't give him one in return,

"Oh my gosh, I didn't recognise you, hey Miyah, nice costume."

Lost and Foundحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن