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The next morning we have Defense Against the Dark Arts with our new teacher for the first time and this confirms my feeling. This Umbridge is anything but nice, even though she pretends to be.
She's already threatening us, even though class hasn't really started yet. I shrug and look at Ginny. It can't get any worse than Snape's detentions, can it? "Ginny?What is that supposed to be?" I ask her confused."Not so loud!" she admonishes me and scoots even closer to me. "Dumbledore's Army. I joined.""And what is that supposed to be?" I ask softly. "Harry sort of set it up to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters," she tells me quietly. "That's kind of against the new rules," I say, amazed, but somehow I like it. I've already noticed that Umbridge is a terrible beast. You can see that in her new laws. The old woman is completely insane. According to the rumors, she has set up a student inquisition squad, these students are supposed to ensure law and order, that's what she insists on so much. I haven't seen them yet, but sooner or later I'll probably come across them. Apparently they are all Slytherins. "It doesn't matter!" Ginny hisses now. "Are you joining or not?" I shrug. "Sure."
Anything going against Umbridge sounds like hilarious fun to me.That I'm learning how to fight against Voldemort can only be beneficial."Okay, we'll meet on the seventh floor after dinner," she tells me."By the Tapestry of Barnabas the Stupid. Be as inconspicuous as possible, make sure no one follows you," she explains quietly."And remember, don't talk about it. If that comes out, everything will be lost." I nod hurriedly. "Promised." I'm a little excited, so I just wolf down a handful of food and then head out. Knowing not to blow this up makes me a little paranoid, but no one follows me and eventually I meet a small group in front of the tapestry. "Thanks for being here," Harry says now.
Then he nods at the wall, paces up and down three times and suddenly I see a door that manifests itself in the walls. "What the..." I start, but Ginny beams. "This is the Room of Requirement."
"It's real?" I ask with raised eyebrows and she nods vigorously. When we're finally all gathered in this vast room, Hermione says, "It's important that no outsider knows about this. Sooner or later it will be noticed, we have to be careful. If Umbridge or her salivating gits find us, we're screwed. Do you all understand that?"She gets a unanimous yes and then Harry shows us numerous spells that we practice and practice and practice, we really never stop.I've noticed over time that I'm getting better pretty quickly, which has been confirmed to me by several people."By the way," Ginny murmurs to me in passing. "Your Draco sweetheart is in the Inquisition Squad. Do you still think he's great now?"
"He didn't do anything to me," I hiss so that no one hears but her."And I haven't heard much else either. And if this topic leads to a fight every day now, I'm moving out!" She looks at me in shock, shakes her head and says nothing more.Maybe I should have gotten so angry a little earlier.
Well, then he's in the Inquisition Squad, so what?A lot of people would probably call me naïve and yes, maybe I am.But I'm just trying to see the best in everyone and I don't think Draco is inherently bad. When I think about Umbridge that way, it even makes sense that she took him in.
He's a Slytherin, of what she would call 'impeccably pure blood' and parents of influence.
That doesn't mean that Draco is automatically bad. If at some point the time comes when his behavior changes, I'll be willing to reconsider my opinion of him, but I don't want to form a bad judgment about a person by hearing and seeing.That's not how you do it.

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