Chapter 19: Would It Be Okay?

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AN: TW: Pregnancy related.

I got to work early the next day and Anita was pacing up and down the hall waiting for me. I still felt so incredibly nauseous today, but I was unsure if it was because the amount of stress I had been in since yesterday. Or because I really just had food poisoning. I internally refused to acknowledge the third possibility.

"I'm going insane Maggie. Are you okay?" She said grabbing hold of my arms.

"I don't even know how to feel right now. You didn't tell Charles anything right?"

"God no. I would have to be insanely stupid to do that one. Come on, let's get this over with before more people start coming in." She took my hand and led me to the bathroom.

Once we were inside, she pulled out the test from her purse. I just stared at it as she handed it over. My body frozen.

"Mags, come on." Anita said softly.

"This doesn't happen to me Nita. I have plans. I double check everything. I make lists. I—You are in love, Maggie. Love makes us do reckless things. You're still Maggie, you, just, allowed yourself to jump into something for once. You have options Mags, but we need to know if you need those options first." She pushed the test further towards me and I sighed taking it from her.

I opened the box reading over the directions carefully before taking both tests. I placed the cap on the ends and set a timer for three minutes. I left them on the toilet paper roll holder, and walked out of the stall leaning against it.

Anita leaned against the wall in front of me and we waited in silence until my alarm went off. I chewed on my lip, before taking a deep breath and walking inside. I peeked down, and one test read pregnant. The other not pregnant. I instantly felt sick and Anita opened the stall door behind me.

"So?" She squeaked.

"How is it giving me two different answers?" I turned to her showing her both the tests.

I leaned against the stall and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Let's go to the doctor tomorrow. We have the day off. You don't have to go alone." Anita said, grabbing some toilet paper to wrap the tests in before throwing them away, "Come on, let's go set up Shawn's room so we can spend more time staring at how beautiful he is and making Charles jealous about it."

I laughed slightly and nodded, though Shawn's good looks was definitely the last thing on my mind at the moment.

I woke up the next morning to Harry placing soft kisses all over my face. I had a rough night, throwing up for most of it. I smiled softly and giggled, "Harry."

"Mmm, how's my darling feeling this morning?"

"Miserable. But, I'm going to the doctor today. Make sure it's not a virus or something." I muzzled my face into his neck as he ran his fingers up and down my spine.

"Want me to come with you?" He asked softly.

"No baby, Nita is coming with me. Going to get food after." I kissed his neck softly to reassure him.

"Okay, just be careful. Paps are starting to recognize you more."

"I know baby, I will be."

I found parking in front of my doctor and called Anita to see if she was close. Her phone rang a couple times but she didn't answer. I still had a good fifteen minutes before my check in time, so I figured if she didn't call me back by then I would just go in myself.

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