Chapter 17: Numb

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I sat at the table drinking my coffee and reading an article showcasing the pictures from our dinner with Charles and Anita. Harry came up behind me kissing my cheek, then peeking down at my phone, "Is that us?"

I nodded my head, "Yup. Harry Styles and mystery woman leaving Los Angeles hot spot, could this be the woman Olivia Wilde referred to in interview lie?" I smiled softly at him and handed him my phone.

"At least we look good. Like really good together darling." He smiled at me, his Cheshire smile that I hadn't seen in a while, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I think so too."

He handed me back my phone and kissed me softly, "So when are we meeting your dad again?"

He walked over to serve himself some coffee.

"Umm, two days from today, so Sunday."

"This Sunday?" He said, biting his lip.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" I said turning to him.

"I have a meeting with Jeff, because he's gone all next week. At, 2 I believe."

"My dads meeting us at 1, so," I bit my lip, "It's okay baby, Becca and I got this."

"No, umm, ask Charles, if he'll go with you." Harry said softly.

"Mmm. That's a tough one. Umm, Charles saw my dad, one time, after he left us, and punched him. I don't know how that will play out." I said, sipping my coffee.

"I don't want the two of you going alone. I know you both are strong women, but, I just would feel so much better if someone went. Let me see if I can move things around." He said pulling out his phone.

"No, no Haz. Jeff already barely likes me. I don't want to give him more reason to not like me." I said unlocking my phone, "I'll ask Charlie."

He walked back over and kissed the top of my head, "I'm sorry I can't be there baby."

"It's okay Haz, you've already done so much." I smiled up at him and he kissed me softly.

Charles held my hand softly as we waited in front of the restaurant for my dad. I stood there chewing on my lower lip and Becca paced back and forth.

"There he is," Charles said, squeezing my hand tighter, his other fist clenching.

The door swung open and Charles walked in holding his fist to his body. My eyes instantly flew to the cuts on his knuckles.

"Charlie, what happened?" I said getting off the couch, running over to him.

"Maggie it's fine please just let me clean it." He said stepping around me and I followed him to the bathroom.

He began rinsing his hand under the sink and washed it with some soap, wincing softly.

"Here. Sit please, let me clean it further and wrap it up." I pointed to the toilet and he sat, his breathing heavy. His eyes never meeting mine.

I pulled the first aid kit from under the sink and kneeled in front of him, pulling out a couple things before I began disinfecting it, "Babe, what happened?"

"I saw your dad." He said quietly, I almost missed it. I felt myself freeze.


"The bank, I went to get the money for your mom, and there he was. He said hi to me, and tried to tell me, to not say anything, so, I hit him. I tried to swing again, he moved and I hit the wall behind him slightly. I'm sorry Maggie, I didn't mean to—It's fine. I probably would have too." I smiled softly at him and he chuckled shaking his head.

"Charles, should I hide my face?" My dad attempted to joke and I wrapped my free hand around Charles arm to keep him steady.

"Let's just go inside and get this over with, shall we?" Becca said, taking my hand so she could lead Charlie and i through the doors. My dad following behind.

We sat at the table, my dad alone on one side, the three of us squeezed on the other side. Becca surprising me by breaking the silence, "Look dad. I'm not here because I want to see you, okay? I'm just tired of this. Mom just died, and we should be able to grieve in peace, without any of this. So just sign the papers, because I no longer wish to look at your face."

Becca pulled the papers from my purse and slid them at my dad.

He looked down at them in disbelief, then back at Becca, "Mija, I'm so sorry for leaving. I'm so sorry. You don't have to hate me because your sister does."

"Can you stop with that! I'm eighteen now dad, I stopped agreeing with Maggie a long time ago. The moment she became more of a mom than a sister to me, everything changed. Something else we have you to thank for. So don't sit here and disrespect me by acting like you still know me. Sign the papers. Just sign them. You don't deserve that house. Charles has contributed more to that house than you have. He stepped in when I didn't have a dad. He was and still is the only man I can rely on." Becca was red from her anger, I reached over and squeezed her leg.

My dad just looked from Becca to me, back and forth. I swallowed hard, turning away. My dad sighed, "I got scared. I wasn't ready to watch that happen to your mom. I wasn't ready to just care for the two of you. For that responsibility."

"So you left it to your fresh out of college daughter and your preteen daughter?" Charles said angrily, "Javier, Rosa loved you. The three of us watched her pray and cry every night begging for you to come back. She was near death multiple times still calling out for you."

I felt myself start to cry, wiping my tears quickly, "Dad, please. Just give me the house. Please. Charles and I put so much of our money into. Charles who didn't have to. Please. If you are really sorry, you will sign that last page."

He quietly opened the packet of paper, signing the last page. He swallowed and wiped his eyes, "I will always love both of you. No matter what. I'm sorry." He got up, and left.

I know it should have hurt, but it was nothing but a numb feeling.

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