Chimamanda just stood there for a while and stared at Mia and The Three behind her, then took a breath and said, "How do you expect me to understand what you just said. I mean, no offense but the cult thing is more believable."

"I couldn't believe it either, I mean, I still can't...."

"You guys should wrap this up, it's getting late", Nathan interrupted.

"Don't be mean, Nathan", Roxanne said in Chimamanda's defense.

"But it's true."

"How do you even know the time, you're not even with your watch", Roxanne pointed out because his watch disappeared when he transformed.

"I just do."

Mia suddenly remembered what her mum said and took out her phone from her handbag to check the time.

"5:31", she freaked out.

"I thought you were explaining something to me", Chimamanda brought back their attention to the matter at hand, "When is all- this going to end?"

"Oh", Mia calmed herself down, "Firstly, that's basically all I know and secondly in the next two years, I guess... that's when we'll go to Tartarus to strengthen the seal. There's– no probability that we'll succeed."

"And if you don't?"

"...Then the world as we know it may be plunged into darkness."

Chimamanda didn't know how to react on hearing that. She was both surprised and perplexed. Mia felt distressed as the words came out of her own mouth.

"Ok, times up. I hate to ruin your touching moment buut...", Nathan interrupted as he rubbed his hands and approached them, completely ruining the moment.

"Wait! I don't want to lose my memories. I promise I won't tell anyone", Chimamanda pleaded.

"Well that's going to be hard. Especially if the teras find out that you know about us. They'll probably be targeting you and we can't save you all the time. It's not like were superman or something", Nathan pointed out blankly while putting his two hands behind his head.

"Me? Targetted?.... Okay, I change my mind. Erase away."

"That fast?"

"Please I don't have the strength to be constantly put in danger especially when I don't have the power to protect myself.... Would I lose all my memories, like I won't remember my name or my family or something?"

"Nah. Just what happened in this alley."

"Ok, then.... Oh yeah, Mia", Chimamanda called.

"Yeah?", Mia answered unsure of how to feel about all this.

"Make sure to tell me everything after all of this is over. Okay?" she asked with a smile.

Mia felt a little at ease. "Don't worry, I will."

Chimamanda then turned to Nathan. "I'm ready."

"Finally, let's get this over with", he said as he came close to Chimamanda, put one of his hands on her forehead and the on her shoulder, while looking into her eyes.

Chimamanda felt really uncomfortable because he was to close. "Are you sure this is how to do thi—"

Chimamanda walks around looking for Mia.

"There you are", she said as she approached Mia whom she saw infront of an alley. "I've been looking all over for you. You just disappeared and left me", she pushed Mia's shoulder slightly.

"Sorry, I didn't know you had woken up", Mia replied itching the back of her head.

"What do you mean?" Chimamanda asked confused.

"Don't you remember? You fell asleep on that bench in the park. I was with you most of the time but I decided to take a walk around the area."

"Sleep? But I thought you said your mum wanted you back home before five. It's already 5:39"

"You seriously can't remember? How deep of a sleeper are you.... Plus I called my mum while you were asleep and she said I could stay till six."

"I'm not that deep! I just can't remember. Everything– seems foggy."

"It's okay. In the meantime, it's getting late. Let me walk you home."

"Don't you need to be rushing to your house."

"The next bus isn't till 5:50. I think I can spare a few minutes since your house is closeby."

"Well, ok. Since you insist."

Shortly after, they arrived at her house.

"Do you want to come in and have something to drink?" Chimamanda asked being hospitable.

"No, thanks. I need to get going.  I still have to buy a ticket", Mia replied as she started walking away.

"Let's do this again some other time!" Chimamanda exclaimed.

"Hopefully not anytime soon", Mia exclaimed back as she left.

She walked all the way down the road and turned at a corner where The Three were following behind in their car.

"Can you guys drive me home", Mia asked as she approached the car.

"Sure", Roxanne replied then she got in the car and left.....

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