Chapter VIII

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“The rope slowly breaks, do not panic as it shreds you apart„

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“The rope slowly breaks, do not panic
as it shreds you apart„

A few days passed, you and Scaramouche both worked hard figuring out how to break those dumb ropes. Although with allot of unanswered questions that would be difficult, but after a long while of dreams you finally saw her again. You walked up to her “[Y/N]?” you asked her, her head lifted up to look at you. That's when you notice the ropes looked different, atleast one of em. It seemed it was slighty breaking, that gave you back hope. “Say um.. Do you know how to break these?” you asked pointing towards that rope, she just sighed. She seemed more and more tired, weak even.

She tried her best lifting her head up “He's the answer” was all she managed to say, then you woke up. You sat up in your bed confused, an answer that once again lead to more questions. You stood up and changed into your diplomatic clothes, you rushed out to Scaramouche's office. Maybe he would know, he allowed you in and both started trying to collect any information you had “Who's him?” you asked, Scaramouche shrugged “I don't know, you said it was tearing up correct? The rope i mean” he said, you nodded “Well then it's probably something we did or found out about.. Could be anything really”

“She seemed to hold how you both met quite close to her, atleast that's what her letter made me believe” you said sitting down “Maybe, but you can't relive that” he said firmly, you just shrugged “But you can tell me” Scaramouche sighed “It happened a bit over 100 years ago” so he admitted he was older than he seemed, maybe you'll reach answers this time.. “It was a stormy day and..”

You walked alongside your sister as the rain suddenly fell down upon you both, you give her an umbrella. Your sister smiled and thanked you, holding the big umbrella above your heads. The rain started getting worse “Maybe we should head back” she said, you on the other hand shook your head “Do you hear that?” You asked, your sister shook her head. You huffed and ran towards the direction of where the sound came from, to your surprise you found a slim boy crying as he hugged his knees likely trying to keep himself warm. His hair was dark and long, you kneeled down besides him “Are you okay?” you asked the slim boy, his pearl white clothes were dusted in mud “I.. I have no where to go..” the boy spoke shyly, eventually your sister caught up with you. As the situation got explained to her she agreed to bring him home so he wouldn't catch a cold.

Your sister held him close to her as you held the umbrella above your heads, luckily you weren't so far from home. As you both came home your sister gave the boy a warm bath and a warm cozy yukata, the moon shone brightly by then. Your mother had accepted him and gave him a room to sleep in, however at around 3 am he came knocking at your door. You tiredly stepped out of bed and headed to open the door, surprised to see him “I'm scared..” he proclaimed, it's true that by now it started thundering. You let him sleep with you so he could reach comfort, laying beside him seemed to have calmed him down “What's your name?” you whispered to him, the boy shuffled closer under the blanket “Kunikuzushi”

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