Chapter IV

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“The intense gaze you own scares me„

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“The intense gaze you own scares me„

It was your third day, the day where your mission started. The last two days you and Tartaglia visited around Liyue, you both had fun. Going from visiting, tasting new sorts of food and going shopping. You hadn't had that much fun in a very long time, however now you had to focus. Apparently today the geo archon would descent and talk to his people, meaning the suspicious blonde traveler would be here too. You didn't really understand much, but you weren't allowed to be seen unless it was absolutely necessary.

Tartaglia headed somewhere, so now you were alone. Slowly watching as people gathered to meet the geo archon, you got pretty curious to see how it would go. You watched as a big bright golden rayon shot up to the sky, you expected a beautiful archon to descend.. However instead you witnessed alongside many others the murder of the geo archon, who was in the form of a magnificent dragon. Many people shot up in panic, you look around and see the blondr traveler run away quickly. Was he the reason for this? You frowned and sneaked away to discretely follow him, hiding behind a building you saw how the traveler got circled by the guards.

You hesitated to interfere, but as you look down you saw Tartaglia spurting towards the place. Witnessing him easily knock out the guards with no effort, your eyes sparkle as he and the traveler runs away. You silently follow them, eventually stopping behind a pillar listening to their conversation. Your eyes widen as the traveler walks past you, thinking he hadn't seen you relaxation had already set in your body catching you off guard. The traveler turns around and stared at you confused, you cringed at your stupidity “Um excuse me, but why have you been following me around?” he asked, where you that obvious?

You thought quickly for a response “Oh um, i heard of your adventures! I grew interested but i didn't dare to come up and talk to you” that was a stupid idea, you knew absolutely nothing of him “Oh? Well you don't gotta be shy i don't bite” he smiled softly walking towards you “Oh, haha.. Sorry” you fixed your posture “What's your name?” he asked, you didn't really need a fake name did you? “Oh my name's [Y/N], what's yours?” you both firmly shook hands “Aether!” he smiled, the little floating girl besides him smiled “And Paimons name is Paimon!” You smiled back at her, why was she speaking in third person..?

You didn't question it “So why are you here in Liyue actually?” you asked, a sneaky way to get information “Oh, well.. I lost my sister, so im looking for her” he said as his smile faded, your heart sunk. You couldn't imagine how painful that must be, just the thought of losing your sister brought you to tears “Oh.. I'm..So sorry, i hope you'll find her” you said, Aether nodded with a sigh “I was planning to talk to the geo archon but, yeah.. You know what happened” he said placing his hand on his hip, you chuckled nervously “Yeah, gosh that sucks. The people of Liyue are probably panicking as we speak” you said, Aether frowned “You aren't from here are you?” he said, he wasn't suspicious right? You grew a little nervous “Oh uh.. I'm from Inazuma! But er.. Well not really, i was born there but i live in Shnezhnaya”

a maidens promise (rewriting)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat