What is his name?

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Nandini is very close to her mother so she shared with her that her friends teased her and she saw a guy who might be from the same town as her but doesn't recall his name

She thought what is his name she tried a lot but couldn't recollect at all A for Arjun Akash no B for what are the names that start with B ? No able to think C ? No definitely doesn't start with C ... D ? E?F? G ? I can't remember what kind of weird name does he have? Let me try on insta only by initials of all letters as few people I have insta might be following him ...she tried but no use ... she got so curious about him anything mysterious excites her a lot .
But she couldn't find him. Later she slept.

Next day she went as usually to the wards with her friends. He was sitting at the same place as before at the table and she observed him he was not talking with anyone he had a blank face expression and is doing something on his phone she thought.

Suddenly a senior doctor came to the wards so everyone got alerted and they were very afraid because he asks students a lot of questions. The interns immediately came and follow him for patient examination. Nandini and her friends went to the other side to hide away from the doctor as they were afraid of him and were watching from far with caution.

Nandini and her friends were chatting in between she saw what that doctor and interns are doing from a distance. That doctor asked the male intern some questions and looked like he was answering a few and didn't answer few other. Nandini was watching this and she saw that male intern was watching here and there to recollect and give that doctor answers she was smiling a lot didn't know why maybe because she is wearing a mask so she thought no one will see her so she didn't fix her expression. But the male intern saw her and she turned her head away towards her friends . She doesn't know if he knows she's smiling a lot.

Again her friends think that he is her same schoolmate and teased her but she doesn't say anything because they won't listen to her. She thought I should get his name .
How will you get his name you dumbo you are an introvert and doesn't even know any seniors or a lot of friends even in class how will you get it???
In the evening her grandfather called her and was chatting with her and he casually asked Nandini beta do you know Manik?
Nandini immediately thought yes that male intern guy's name is Manik that's the name definitely.

Nandini: Yes grandpa might have known him few people asked me if I knew him before. I think he's my senior and an intern now
Grandpa: who asked you?
Nandini: That cousin sunny asked me after I completed my 1st year if I knew Manik .
Grandpa: You even talked to sunny?
Nandini: yeah I actually talked only once and he asked how I wrote exams and if I knew any seniors in my college and asked about Manik
Grandpa : oh okay beta.
Nandini got suspicious about how he knows Manik
Nandini: But how do you know him?
Grandpa: He's my patient's son
( Her grandpa is also a doctor)
Nandini : oh okay
They chatted a later

She immediately searched for his name on insta she found him immediately as they have many common friends.
She opened it . It was public account .
Photos 0 dp is also blank. No stories not even a picture.
She thinks I thought I'm the mysterious one this guy is even more mysterious. Should confirm if they both are the same person.

Later called her mom and she told whatever happened and told that her grandpa asked about him and his name.
Mom gets shocked and asks her tell me what happened clearly what did you talk to your grandpa she explains . After a second mom tells Nandini beta you got a proposal for marriage he is now an intern studying in some college and dad already rejected because you are still studying and young also he is still an intern and not settled yet . For a second I thought you and your grandpa were talking about the proposal.                
Nandini: No mom but where is he studying??
Mom  : Don't know I will ask dad later ...your grandpa got that proposal so he told your dad but he rejected already
Nandini: oh okay
Mom : you are still studying na beta and you have very tough subjects to study this year and next year after internship you should also prepare for entrance exam for pg and it's so difficult you shouldn't be distracted so dad rejected
Nandini : yes mom I know and I'm not ready for marriage and all now.
For a second they thought that proposal guy might be Manik but later thought no it can't be and mom told I will ask dad later where that guy is studying later.

Few days passed Nandini sees Manik a few times sometimes when she is going to college and pass by each other and had eye locks and all but nothing much happens she just thinks is he the same person that I'm thinking is he really Manik ? Should find out

She wakes up late and immediately opens insta and was checking if she finds about Manik she goes to his followers as he has public account so she checks his followers sees if anyone has public account finds another senior account in his followers which is also public account. Scrolls through photos there you go this male intern guy it's him tagged account Manik yes it's him .see even with a mask I identified him and his name correctly yes she thought of it as a victory

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