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• Sidney •

It was unusually quiet in the house when Sidney woke up, no sounds of his parents moving around down stairs, trying to get everything in order before they left for work or garage doors opening and closing. It wasn't like him to sleep in, unless of course, he had stayed up for some reason. Which he most definitely had the night before. He turned over, his hand running over the top of his bedside table in an attempt to find his phone, but finding nothing.

"What the hell?" He mumbled sleepily, a sense of unease hitting him.

He sat up, more awake than he had been a second ago, though still half asleep, as he wondered what he could have done to his phone. The charger hung limply over the side of the table, not plugged into anything. He rubbed his eyes, trying to remember what exactly he had done when he had arrived home the night before. The hoodie that he had thrown on when he left was now hung over the back of his desk chair, his car keys sprawled out on the desk next to it.

Sidney threw his legs over the side of the bed, making his way to grab the hoodie, both to check the pockets and to put it on as it was getting noticeably colder and his dad refused to turn on the heater until at least November. He felt the pockets before putting the hoodie on, finding them empty.

Now, it wasn't out of the ordinary for Sidney to misplace things, especially his keys, but his phone was another story. There were only so many places that he would've put it down, and 90% of them were in his room. He sighed, deciding that he needed to eat something, and opted to look for his phone later, when he was more awake and could actually think.

He poured himself a bowl of cereal, remembering how he sat in his car with Nick, talking for what seemed like forever with how nervous Sidney was, but was probably no more than 30 minutes, then driving home. Had he been so tired that he left his phone in the car? Surely, he would have at least remembered to grab it from the cupholder on his way back in. Bowl in hand, he made his way back up to his room to grab his keys from his desk.

He kept the bowl with him as he walked back down stairs and out the front door, taking bites occasionally. His car sat in its normal spot in the driveway, and Sidney could see his phone laying on the passenger seat through the window and he walked up. It was probably dead, especially because it had sat in the cold outside all night, but he tried to power button anyway. He was met with a pitch black screen, and he sighed, locking his car back up and making his way back into the house.

He plugged it in when he got back in the kitchen, watching the battery icon appear on the screen for a moment. He moved to the living room, if he wasn't going to be able to go on TikTok while he ate, at least he could watch something on Netflix. He quickly chose a show from the continue watching tab because he knew that if he didn't, he would end up scrolling for upwards of 20 minutes and his cereal would be soggy by then, well more soggy than it already was after his little walk around with it.

Sidney sat with his legs tucked underneath him, silently watching the show that he had put on, except for the occasional small laugh that he would let out at a joke. He placed his bowl on the coffee table in front of him when he finished eating as much cereal as he could before it was an inedible mush, and got once the episode had finished, he pressed pause, getting up to go check on his phone that was still sitting in the kitchen.

A number of notifications appeared on the screen when he turned it on, a few texts from Cass, which were probably all just TikTok's that she had sent him the night before, one from each of his parents, all of which were deemed unimportant and something that he could reply to later. There were some random ones from games that he had downloaded months ago and hasn't played since, and one from Instagram. That one caught him off guard. He hardly ever posted, and mostly everyone that he knew already followed him. Mostly everyone.

He glanced over the notification quickly, a strange giddy feeling settling in his stomach. Nick requested to follow him? He hadn't even realized that the two hadn't exchanged any of the social media, so he wondered how he had even found his account. He clicked on it, accepting the request and following the other boy back before he had a chance to overthink it and chicken out. Sidney so desperately wanted to scroll through Nick's account and look at the things the he posts, but he refrained, instead turning off his phone and placing back onto the counter, moving into the living room to watch another episode of whatever it was he had put on earlier. Opting to ignore the how his heart was racing and how his cheeks burned over something so small and mundane.

{ note: lol hi, i know its been a long
time but i told you i would finish this
book and i fully intend to do that. as
i said before, im really busy rn so i
don't have a lot of time to write so i
can't promise frequent updates, but ill
get them out when i can. they might
not be super long either, like this one
is a little shorter than my normal
chapters when i was less busy, but i
swear they'll come. and seriously
thank you so much for the support
you guys have shown this book and
my others, even when i can't write i
look through my notifications and
they always make me smile. sooo,
ill see you guys next time i put out
a chapter, and until then i love you <3
xx Gi }

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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