𝐈𝐈. quicksilver

Comenzar desde el principio

"thanks, basil," said mr. weasley, and he beckoned everyone to follow him.

"mum, can i please go with the weasleys?" claire turned to clementine with the biggest puppy dog eyes she could manage, enlarging her great blue eyes to the size of saucers. "ron's dad said it was okay!"

"well..." clementine frowned, looking at the other redheaded family. "i don't know — elliot?"

nova's father looked thoughtful for a moment. "i don't see why not...as long as you don't go anywhere by yourself."

claire's face lit up with happiness and she gave her parents a hug each. "i won't, thanks!"

and she ran off to catch up with the weasleys and harry and hermione.

"can i —?" began nova, but her mother quickly shot her down.

"heaven knows what kind of trouble you and those twins will get into if you're left alone." clementine shook her head. "plus, you have this lovely young man to keep you company. i'm sure cedric wouldn't mind having a friend, would you, cedric?"

cedric smiled at nova's mother. "of course not — i'd love the company."

elliot mumbled into his wife's ear something along the lines of "you're only saying that because you want them to get together."

"my intuition is never wrong." she replied, kissing her husband on the nose.

and just like that, nova was back to being irritated as cedric chatted her ears off with talk of hogwarts and quidditch and a whole bunch of other things she didn't have to patience to listen to.

just great.

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AT LONG LAST, after walking for what seemed like miles thanks to the directions of mr. payne (a muggle with a dainty mustache), they finally found an empty place big enough for the aetos and the diggorys to put up their tents. it was right beside a small clutter of trees and a water well.

"you two run along now — explore!" clementine ushered the teens with a smile. "but don't get into too much trouble. we'll put up the tents!"

nova had never realized how pushy her mother was (it really made her want to tie a rope to the nearest tree and hang hersel—)

"shall we go, then?" cedric asked with that stupid grin crinkling his eyes.

"whatever," nova shot her mother a withering stare and slowed her pace, leisurely walking to the clutter of trees.

the phantoms of wind kissed at nova's cheeks as she ducked her head further against her scarf to hide her scowl, kicking the tufts of overgrown grass as she and cedric walked into the miniature forest. he seemed rather cheerful (the scumbag) to spend time with her, which was certainly a surprise.

nova aetos was not one people usually... liked being around. of course, this did not include the weasleys, who made the business of literally anyone that looked closely related to them theirs as well (which was part of the reason she could hardly tolerate them).

yet there they were, walking side by side, cedric's shoulder so close his jacket almost brushed against hers. so close nova could turn and map every faint freckle that dusted his nose.

cedric didn't speak as their shoes crunched on fallen branches, occasionally passing the soft and soundless dirt. there was no chirping of morning birds singing their symphonies or
crickets their lullabies. only a placid silence, which neither of them could really hear because of contrary reasons (and of course, nova's was due to the constant voice yelling in her head to 'leave!' because she really didn't want to spend time with diggory — or anyone, for that matter).

SPITFIRE ✷ Cedric Diggory.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora